In the show “Bojack Horseman”, how do the characters subconscious emotions control their actions, and how is it rooted from past trauma?


Defence Mechanisms

(16:20)“You were the fastest runner in the world. You inspire millions” “And yet here I am, same as you”-DM

Neurotic Anxiety

(17:00)Bojack finds his dead body in the pool

(22:08) “The star of horsin around,and the bojack horsemans show, philbert, secretariat,husband to no one, father to no one, a talented charmer, and a stupid peice of shit.”-SE


(11:26) using comedy with herb as distraction. He said the best part of his life was before he made decisions he could not take back-SE

Literary Devices


(2:40) Each character is chasing the bird around-SE.


(18:45)“Before I leaped I should have seen the view from halfway down. I really should have thought about the view from halfway down. I wish I could have known about the view from halfway down.-SE


(10:21)herb being calm, little to no emotion
-Secretariat: loud, hand gestures taking over the scene, very obviously frustrated-DM




(22:02) Laugh track or live audience. Many traditional sitcoms feature a laugh track or are filmed in front of a live studio audience, cueing viewers when to laugh and enhances the comedic timing-DF

(24:41)Feel-good endings: sitcoms epidoes typically wrap up with a resolution that restores harmonyand often leaves viewers feeling uplifted or satisfied. -DM

(0:30)Opening sequences and film clips all used muic in order to enhance them. The episode begins with birds chirping, and light piano playing while BJ and sarah lynn are waiting to go inside. However, as soon as they step inside of the house, the birds stop singing, and the piano goes from soft to almost disturbing and off putting. Later in the first couple minutes of the show, in the background you can hear crickets, and the windows outside are dark with stars outside.-NA

Symbolic Codes


Framed photo of cracker jackSE

Young sad hourse holding a happy clown mask, which melts leading to the kitchen of the sitcom show which he starred in DF

(18:45)(door inching towards secretariat, desperation in his voice) SE

(23:30) Hydrengeas blocking Bj's method of escapingNA

Technical Codes


(4:22) high pitch frequency noise, the entire room starts shaking NA

(12:12)After Zach Braff said “pardon my reach”, and BJ did not wake up, dark ominous piano started playing-NA


(13:02) Sarah Lynns enture songSE

Colour Palette

(21:44)Colour palette, as soon as tar touches ribbon, it turned all black, untill it disintigrated completelty.-SE

Mise en Scene

(1:44) Bojack brings her mom flowers, and when she puts it on the nightstand. Within the frame of the shot you can see black tar begin to drop onto the flowers.-NA

Camera Angle

(0:16) Bojack rings on the doorbell with childhood sarah lynn beside him, from the perspective of an individual viewing them from the peephole of the house.-SE

(4:22) Camera angle quickly shifts from us seeing Bojack, to his perspective of the tar from ceiling-NA

(14:25)camera zooming out for dramatic effect-NA