Bridge to Terabithia


English Language Arts#2: Create a venn diagram to compare and Contrast Jess and Leslie’s personality traits. Look at what makes them similar and what makes them different. Why do you think their friendship is so compatible and strong? Write a letter from Jess to Leslie after her death. Think about what final thoughts he would want to share with Leslie.

Fine Arts #1: Students will create a group puzzle chart of “ways to make a friend”, and “ways to keep a friend”. Students will break up into 4 groups, and each group will have a piece of poster board that will make a puzzle to fit together with everyone’s pictures and texts of ways to make and keep friends.


Language Arts #3:When Jess finds out about Leslie’s death he runs away from his house and down the street. Why is running such an important thing for Jess throughout the story? What do you do to relieve stress when you are upset? Work with a partner to create a list of ways to relieve stress or emotional pain.

SS#2: Bridge to Terabithia took place sometime during the 1970’s. You will independently look up information about the 1970’s. What type of things do you think may have interested you if you were living during the 70’s. Draw a picture of yourself doing an activity during the 70’s be sure your activity is something prominent for this time period. Make details to how you would dress and look as well.


SS#1: Students will watch a video on farm life during the 21st century. Students will compare and contrast rural life during the 1970’s during the time Jess and Leslie lived and rural farm life today. Create an advertisement welcoming tourists to Lark Creek.

Science#2: "Earth Day" was also a popular fad in the 70’s. This was celebrated on April 22. Earth Day was a day when people did such things as wear gas masks to demonstrate their concern about pollution and the wish they had for a cleaner Earth. What do you think Miss Edmunds, Jess’s music teacher would think of Earth Day? Create a poster promoting Earth day during the 1970’s.


English Language Arts#1 : Jess’s character goes through many changes throughout the novel. Do you think these changes have something to do with Leslie being a part of his life, or do you think that he is changing simply because he is growing up?

Fine Arts #2: After reading chapter 4 students will work in groups to create their own “Terabithia”. Each group will design rules for their kingdom, give their kingdom a name, explain how you get to the land, and draw a map to show where the kingdom is located. Students will work together to create a life like version of their own “Terabithia” making a 3D model, drawing one on a poster board, using magazine pictures to mimic their kingdom or making one online.


Science #1: In Bridge to Terabithia Jess and Leslie have to cross over a creek to get to their kingdom we will explore the sediments that make up a creek, and make inferences and together about the importance of creeks or rivers flowing through our lands.

Math #1:Value of money: Students will look at prices from the 1970’s and be given a set income. With this income students need to decide what necessities they need, and what luxuries they can afford. They will share their answers with the class.

Floating topic
