People who specialise in this field aid their patents by administering/recommending drugs, oxygen, and methods to cope with infection and diseases
A device that contains various chemicals that aid in widening the airways of the lungs
Covered in "Causes"
A chronic disease that is caused by inflammation in the bronchus and bronchioles, restricting airflow
Harmful chemicals can damage the lungs and lodge in them causing breathing and functional complications
In which an infection can stunt growth in early childhood leading to respiratory complications including COPD
This can range from dust particles to foreign objects in the air that the naked eye cannot see, irritant to the respiratory tract
Genetic disorder in which people are deficient in the Alpha-1 Antitrypsin protein in turn can affect the respiratory system by causing proneness to infection
In which underdeveloped parts of the body can be a risk factor for COPD
Tobacco has many harmful chemicals that increase the risk of infection, impair lung function, while also irritating the larynx and trachea
Because of the bronchi and bronchioles are constricted, COPD victims have,
People who have COPD can develop a type of cough that lasts for weeks or more
In which is caused by inflammation of the the respiratory tract
Due to restricted airflow, patents with COPD have,
COPD is "chronic", meaning you will live with it for the rest of your life, cannot be cured, but can be managed

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


Information sourced from;,doesn't%20respond%20to%20treatment.,administer%20drugs%20to%20the%20lungs.,by%20inflammation%20of%20the%20airways



Difficulty breathing

Chronic coughs

Shortness of breath & Constant tiredness

Constricted airflow


Tobacco smoke & exposure

Indoor house pollutants

Birth defects

Childhood respiratory infections

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin

Risk factors

Smoking & Exposure


Birth defects

Treatments & Coping mechanisms


Respiratory Therapy