Political Developments in SG
from 1946 to 1959

Constitutional changes
from 1946-1959

> SG was still under the british rule
>Constitutional changes were introduced
>to increase local involvement in the govt.


limited elections introduced in 1948

3 major elections held in SG
between 1948-1959

s'poreans were allowed to vote for their representatives in their Legislative Council.

Legislative Council: body that made
laws for SG

Elected Legislative Council could raise concerns about local issues.


more governmental control was given to locals

SIR GEORGE RENDEL lead a commision which recommended
limited self-government to be granted SG in 1955

govt. under control of BOTH local and and external authority
local will have control of some areas of government

number of elected locas increased from 1948-1959


more areas of government

education, finance, health
housing, trade ,industry, law and labour

Developments that lead to
Constitutional Changes


British introduced constitutional changes because of the MCP attacks and communist ideas that were spread


many countries previously colonized
were moving towards independence
e.g India(1947) from Dutch rulers
Vietnam(1954) from French rulers

British were anti-communist and feared that
its colonies- Malaya and Singapore would turn communist for independence

Fear was heightened after communist victory in
China in 1949. British worried that some Chinese
immigrants in Malaya and SG would be influenced
by communist ideas from China.

Some Malayans thought communism offered ideas for
resisting the British

The MALAYAN COMMUNIST PARTY sought to spread
communist ideas in SG and Malaya

MCP wanted immediate end to British rule

They attacked rubber plantations
and tin mines in Malaya

spread communist ideas to stir up
feelings of students and workers against
the British


Some people took interest in political future of SG
others focussed on rebuilding their lives after JO

thus they were less concerned with voting

late 1950s- interest in political
development of SG gained momentum

more groups emerged to push the British
colonial govt. for political changes.

People's aspirations
from 1945-1959

Aspirations of diff
groups from 1945-1959

Singapore Progressive Party

multi-racial party made up of mainly
English-educated professionals
and businessmen
LED BY John Laycock, Tan Chye Cheng
and N.A Mallal

rep the interests of English speaking
professionals and middle-class( born in SG)

They did not see the need to win the
support of China-born Chinese

the formed half of the adult
population in SG

Labour Front

multi-racial and included low-income
and English educated members of trade unions
they participated in 1955 elections
LED BY David Marshall

sought to protect workers interests

anti-communist and believed that working
with the British would help to improve
workers rights and their working

People's Action Party

multi-racial party, comprised mainly of
English-educated lawyers, journalists and
trade unionists.

against British colonial rule in SG
wanted immediate independence for SG
hoped to achieve by uniting Malaya and SG.

believed constitutional changes introduced
by the colonial government would provide them
with the chance to influence how SG was to be

crucial to gain support of the masses
including the workers,trade union and
students in Chinese-medium schools.

Chinese Middle-school

chinese-medium schools
they offered sec and pre-uni

These students had limited
opportunity to pursue a uni
education SG. They had to go
China to further their studies

to stop communist ideas,
the colonial govt. banned people w
who visited China from coming back to SG.

students could not pursue a uni education
unless they chose to never come back to SG.

the students also had poor job prospects

felt they were unfairly treated by the colonial govt.
They doubted the willingness of the British to look
after their interests.

this was reinforced by the registration of NS in 1954

Distrust for the British further increased when
the police was sent to break up the anti-NS

Trade Unions

some set-up in 1948
protect workers rights

Singapore Factory and ShopWorkers Union (SFSWU)
Singapore Bus Workers Union (SBWU)

many wanted immediate change to
their working conditions

late april 1955- workers from Hock Lee Bus Co.
went on strike for better pay and working conditions.
police were called in and riots broke out

may19555- govt. negotiated a settlement
with the workers bringing a end of riots.

Developments Towards
the Fulfillment of People's
Aspirations from 1955-1960s