Potential applications of chromic materials
(mechanochromic, photochromic, thermochromic, etc.)

In the vehicle

Electrochromic EV battery charge indication (e.g. on a windscreen)

Mechanochromic rubber for tyre inner tubes: fast detection of perforations

Electrochromically controlable tinted glasses (useful when you are stopped by police)

Electrochromic glass for windscreen with controlable transparecy: it will be used for augmented reality projections

Thermochromic paints for car exterior: different color at different outside temperatures (e.g. for luxury cars)

Rubber tyre coloring at heating for safety: car skidding always results in tyre heating. They become red and show neigbouring drivers that the car near them is skidding and dangerous!

For buses the pressure in the rubber tyre is proportional to the number of paggangers,

so that pressurechromic rubber tyres serve as indication if the bus is empty or full (+Luggage distribution in the aircraft)

to see people distribution - where to enter/move from the front door

The same idication for the weight of trailer trucks

Similar mechanochromic indication for the roads with the weight limitations (e.g. bridges, "ice"-bridges river-crossing during winters)

Oil-chromic surfaces for detection of oil-leaks

Chemochromic or photochromic detection of cracks and deformations in vehicle for insurance companies and car retailers (trade-in programs).

Change color only after addition treatment (UV or chemicals): in the service, not on the road - VL

Mechanochromic fillers for epoxies for visible impact damage of CFRP composites

Mechanochromic tyres: color changes in bottom part of tyre

Mechanochromic coverage of the car chair(s) will inform driver about his/her weight


Air polution detection by chemochromic materials in windscreen

Chemochromic materials for toxic pollutants (e.g. NO2) detection - VL

Car as ecology sensor

Mechanochromic steering wheel: it will detect excessive pressure caused by driver (stress detection, reminder for correct driving)

Sweat detection by chemochromic materials embedded into steering wheel: stress detection, control of optimal conditions (temperature, humidity) inside the car

M.K. Smart Panels based on electrochromic glasses

Golographic picture on a windshield

Indication (alarm) if the distance between the main car and the neighbor car is shortening.

Aurora notification (depend on the magnetic field)

Tornado navigation - depend on the pressure, directs you to the most safety region

Change of transparency of the windshield when the sun is bright (UV sensitive material) - to avoid internal heating of the car

"Clever windows" - dark when sun is shining and transparent when there is no birngt sun: can be achivied by introduction of photosensitive dyes in the glass or by gluing the film

Indicate the points of stress during car crash/stress/etc tests

Showing the weather (temperature, pressure, etc.) on the windshield of the car

Color car as wetter forecast and indicating that it is rainy

Safety: Color indication of the area of stress during car accident

Windshield produces blue light that can slow the production of melatonin, the hormone that signals our brain that it's time for bed.

Color indication of the accumulator/battery charge

Indicate wear of the car parts

Safety: for the motorcycle helmet to indicate where is the biggest stress during the accident. Such info may be used by medical professional upon arrival

Photochromic car hood for indicating engine warm up: remote car start (already exist) and remote indicating of warm up (required!)

Car color changing as indication of the faction of way you have driven through. E.g. I go from Tokyo to Osaka, starting black and finishing red, and in the course of the trip I can roughly determine my position.

Aerosol to spray over the internal parts during the car repair to see which one is heating the most

Photochromic materials as UV or intense light protection - VL

Photochromic windows in the car, become opaque then car is in the parking lot

Photocoromic protection against highly intensive light from oncoming vehicles during the night (materials with non-linear optical properties can be also suitable)

MS Color on demand

Safety: color changes from dark to white at the night

with engine on

Hydrochromic materials: different color (or luminescence) while raining for safety

Car interior color on demand

Recoloring white car to another color (e.g.) when it is snowing for safety and convenience

Re-stylish car: color can be changed on demand for several days by heating/illumination in order to coincide to dress, shoes, bag

Hydrochromic materials for fingerprint detection

Color changing tires depending on rubber mechanical condition

Dimmable mirrors to prevent the driver from dazzling - AV

Photochromic materials, change its color under radar radiation - small sensor on the windscreen - VL

"Photo"chromic (X-ray and electroluminescent, in fact) materials for sensing of dangerous level of ionising radiation - VL

Chemochromic materials to check the quality of the fuel (gasoline, diesel) in the car / gasoline station to prevent engine break - AV

EXPLICIT fuel reserve indication: petrol tank is schematically shown on the car shell, so that the hollow and filled parts are marked with different colors.

L.L. Vehicle sequrity

Distant forced color change in cause of theft

Useful device to find your car in the parking lot

outside the car

M.K. Smart photochromic glasses/windows

instead of curtains

Detection of wire insulation


Temperature indication

U.V.s creamchanges the color when the sunburn time is enough

Temperature detection of a woman ovulation

Color indication of the exposure to stress/pressure exposure of different mechanical parts of exoskeleton

Orthopedics: indicate pressure distribution during gait cycle/ after bone injury

Mechanochromic needles for medical syringes: indication for used needles

The same indication for any non-reusable medical tools

Battery charge color indication for smartphone/laptops

Leakage detection

Amusement park/ circus/ theatre - use properties of color changing materials in decorations

Conor temperature indication during cooking

Sport clothes/ equipment:

To see what muscles are heating the most during the workout

To indicate sweat areas during workout

To indicate applied stress during the workout/training - may be with help of special clothing

Sports running shoes production: see pressure distribution to chose optimal type of shoes

Indicate points of stress on the helmet - american football/ hockey/ etc

Better visibility of the traffic signs

Color identification of the slipper parts of the road

Augmented reality glasses (one glass layer changes its transparency to change ability of surrounding observation)

Photochromic road surfaces: dark during the day, white or even luminescent during the night

Mechanochromic materials for detection of mechanic demages

e.g. gas, oil pipelines

Hydrochromic materials for water detection

electrical devices (outlet) can give you a signal that they are wet

To find if there is a leak in the pipeline

Indicators of water content in the centre of the flowerbed in your garden shows you then it's nesessary to water the flowers

Materials for food package, for example, for food quality or temperature indication (thermochromic, biochromic, chemochromic materials) -AV

thermochromic materials that make a signal of dangerous hot temperature: iron, curling iron etc.

Color change clothes/shoes

If you came to the party wearing the same dress with your friend

Black clothes become white under the sun

Camouflage painting of equipment, military vehicles and clothes - AV

mechanochromic clothes for "paintball"-like games

chemochromic walls in contact-like zoo to check the state of animals (angry, hungry...)

Safety and security: Explosives detection in the airports for personal control. - AV

Mechanochromic building surfaces to detect earthquakes