Indigenous Peoples

Treated horribly by the Canadian governmemt in 1880's.

This made me think of today. Indigenous peoples still face many issues while we are still on the road to reconciliation

I know that Canada has said to do many things in support of Indigenous peoples. I'm not sure what has already been done.


The Indian Act


The Indian Act is one of the things that truly makes me disgusted to be a Canadian. It was an Act passed in 1876. The main goal I know of the Indian act to be was to take any Indigenous peoples, rights, beliefs, status, reserves and to be able to change it moify it.

I believe that the Indian Act's main objective was the eliminate any Indigenous history and replace it with Euro-Canadian culture.

Residential Schools

Residential schools and The Indian Act are not the same. But all the Canadian government wanted was to eliminate the Indigenous peoples.

It was under the Indian Act that residential schools became mandatory for all kids. By mandatory, I literally mean being dragged out of your own house and forced to go. Forced to leave your parents and siblings. I'm not too sure but I know they weren't able to attend any other school. Not to mention you were HIGHLY looked down upon if you announced that you had Indigenous blood. Therefore status plays a big role.


Children were victims of abuse, child neglect, and tons of mistreatment. Thank teachers for educating us on the history of indigenous peoples. I have watched many many videos on the struggles that Indigenous kids had to go through.

Chidden had their hair chopped off and taught mostly catholic teachings. I did learn that kids were also taught labour work like laundry, sewing etc..

Indigenous kids soon became adults and most of those victims are still currently suffering through these horrible times. These people still haven't been given proper justice, and I believe Canada can never give the Indigenous peoples a proper apology/justice.


We kind of just jumped into 2024 because I thought of what is being done now to support Indigenous peoples. There are many useful videos, articles, and programs, that individuals can visit to help better educate themselves on the ongoing struggle of Indigenous Peoples.

In the education system in Canada, it is mandatory to learn the history of indigenous peoples in history class. That's very important. It is also very beneficial.