
Novel Study


I believe i showed a lot of collaboration with my peers (arushtab,bovan, and justin), I was able to effectively communicate with them about my ideas and perspectives about the book "How it went down". I was able to converse with them about the topic and themes. Overall i was able to collaborate and have a good time with my peers on the topics of this book.



Thinking and problem solving

I believe i have showed thinking and problem solving skills in the novel study topics as being able to talk and communicate about the problems in the discussions and or how to solve the questions that were in the discussions. I am also able to effectively think about answers or ways to solve the questions that have been posted or appeared

How I will use these skills in real life.


Obviously i will be using collaboration in the real world as it is will be a very useful skill in real life, as i can communicate and associate with people and help myself and others by collaborating.


I wish to imrpove upon my oral speaking / commication skills, i believe that my skills in this area brought down my overall marks due to the way im unconfident when i speak to peers or teachers.

Why Literature.

What i learned in this class about literature

This class helped me understand that that literature
Is not just reading, but understanding the text, and what the text actually truly means and how to understand it. A main example was the reading strategies assignment, it helped me read and understand the texts that we went over such as how it went down.

I learned alot about ilterature in this class, and how im supposed to understand the text and meaning thanks to the reading tools.


Perspective On why

The reason why i choose literature is because I have
Always loved reading books and such, so i was
Naturally attracted to literature as i loved reading alot.
Literature was always a strong thing for me, so i was good at it and liked to read and such.

I choose literature due to how i love reading and overall i choose it as it was a fun past time for me.

What area i experienced the most growth in

The area i experienced most growth in

The area i experienced the most growth in was Initiative, most of the group reading projects, my group members were behind on what pages we had to read, so i decided to just finish the book in the first week so i can lead the conversations and have a more productive work enviroment (Im not trying to say they were bad groupmates, they were extremely good actually.)

What i need to grow in and my next steps.

I need to grow in oral speaking and commnication, as you saw during my past conferences, i was extremely nervous and stuttery during our talks, my next steps would be to practice something such as public speaking to improve my oral speaking .