New research areas after EV and AD

Co-evolutional society

Problem: often it is difficult to explain the feeling (pain) to doctor.
Value: improved medical diagnostics
How: some device will read the senses from brain and share with doctor's brain on demand. Doctor will correctly understand the pain of the patient

Problem: It is difficult for woman to birth a child
Value: improved birth process
How: qualified birth-facilitator will transfer correct movements and emotions to woman body via brain interface. During this procedure significant part of woman's body activity will be completely controlled by experienced birth-facilitator doctor.

Problem: we often need to tell some route to another person(s)
Value: we can send a difficult route in a seconds
How: if the route is familiar for me, I have something like "image" of this route in my mind. The implanted electrodes or EEG helmet will read this "image" from my brain and send to another person(s) via Internet. Then similar device will "write" this image into the brain of the person(s).

Problem: there are many public places without Wi-Fi
Value: Wi-Fi for customers, money or discount for driver
How: install wi-fi hot-spot to your car. Park the car on public place. People will connect to the Internet via your hot-spot. You will get some money from each connected person. Alternatively, you can get a reduced parkung fee (discount) or get a parking place reserved "for wi-fi distributers only"

"Healthy Car" P: stroke and other disease can evolve very instantly. Value: help and save sick people. Solution: sensors in the car seats which can alarm driver and passengers on the problem with  their health. One more existing solution: Alzheimer disease early detection by moving of the eyes - easy to install such system in the car

"Personal helper" integrated under skin that collects the data about the health and monitors them; takes actions in the case of emergency; moreover, it may be stock\exhange data and so on (financial helper)...

Problem: health issues

Value: time efficiency and continiuos health control

Technology: quantum computers (ultrahigh speed and capacity), E-skin (organic electronics compaqtable with the human body); different integrated sensors; machine learning; artficial intelegence

P: To design most convenient car for the user.
V: Customer-oriented approach, personalisation, high comfort, perfect ergonomics.
T: Record emotions and biological response (biochemical, posture, neuro) during vehicle driving. Use this info for customer-oriented product development. The info could also provide marketing office with predictive analytics of trends and needs.

Self driving cars "Ride sharing"
Problem: lonely people, efficient way to work
Value: self driving car which connect people via emotional types
Tech: self driving cars which are able to connect on the same way, cars can be reattached according to peoples types and needs. Can be used to find friends, love and discuss work ideas

A possibility to buy a Ride sharing trip for another person who is not capable to buy a trip by himself

Computer monitoring of stress jobs
Value: decrease amounts of stress jobs and exchange to robots...
Tech: emotional maping of the jobs using sensors to oxitocin, dopamin, adrenalin, endorfin...and exchange bad ones to robots

Car doctor
P: Sometimes bad mood or tiredness is connected with low amount of vitamins and macroelements
V: Small robots can take a small amount of blood, analyze it and tell what to eat today or during the week to feel better

Food delivery using robots:
P: hunger killer
V: Immediate delivery of healthy food using fast robots

Delivery directly to the car

P: No one feels safe
V: Safer cities
T: Gathering all information out of the car

Super-efficient society

Ecological monitoring

P: control of rare animals or plants mapping
T: collecting a big bunch of data which help to understand the ecological situation

P: We have to go to the car dealer/ store for test-driving experience and purchase.
V: Save time and money by excluding dealer.
T: Develop advanced virtual online auto-store with VR and biological feedback. VR will help customer to do test-drive and experience the interior/exterior. There could also be an extra device which includes different fabrics used inside the car, so the customer may get tactile sense. All this biological feedback is collected to analyse the customer preferences.

VR, machine learning, AI, neuroscience, advanced manufacturing

P: We want to keep the comfort of the car and at the same time escape traffic and avoid accidents during driving.
V: No traffic, no accidents, more time for yourself
T: Highway and main roads as a smart self moving belts or travalators. Cars will stay in the individual cell which is equipped with charger and whatever necessary. Each belt is moving with the particular constant speed. Once the car has to exit the belt, it will automatically be distributed towards the exit.

AI, advanced manufacturing, logistics and distribution optimisation techniques

P: Number of cars is growing over time.
V: Add one more dimension to the traveling.
T: Flying cars

P: Lack of resources
V: To save Money, time and resources 
T: Lego-cars - possibility to change within the society car parts to make  a new type of a car (minivan, cabrio, familycar, car for cats, car for children)

P: Noize/flash from emergency/police etc cars
V: Decrease the sound pressure
T: Connected cars system of signals

In the case of AD, the process of providing road to emergency car should be completely automated --> it will be more fast and nobody will be able to ignore the emergency car.

P: traffic accidents with pedestrians in dark time
V: zero fatality
T: RFID chips on pedestrians clothes/shoes

Charging roads
P: Slow Charging of the cars and small amount of charge stations
V and T: Super capacitors near the traffic lights which will charge electrical cars immediately.

Portable "Teleport to your job" or "Virtual job" - work in the virtual reality or meet with people - the service provide all neccassery possibilities - the sense of the real presence; for example, coffe drinking; and robotics doing your laboratory work; maybe in the future, the possible car relacement

Problem: waste of time spending on flights moving to another city or getting to your job

Value: live in place you want (at the seashore or near the park) or travel beyound selected location

Technology: quantum computers and AI; robotics

P: drivers cut off their way via pedestrian roads
V:safety on the roads
T: some signals from a road - vibration, electric currents etc - make driver return to the road

P: to fix car during the driving
v: fix the car, manufacture the same car
T: 3D printers print parts of your (or the same) car

Zero-waste society. Reduce. Reuse. Recicle.

Zero-waste vehicle: zero waste during car manufacturing, zero waste during car usage, zero waste after car "disposal"

Clean air
P: Pollution problems
V: Membrane or porous structure on the surface of the car to clean the air outside the car

Happiness of individual

Zero time loss

"University-in-the car". Problem: Nowadays more and more new knowledge and skills are required from people of all generations. Solution: providing education courses on-demand in the AD mode of driving (via Skype, Youtube etc in a connected car". Value: more skillful and professional individuals

"Office-in-the-car". Problem: traffic can affect working hours. Solution: In AD mode driver/passengers can connect to their office desktop computers and Skype. Value: increased efficiency of work

P: Single People hardly could find a "2nd half"
V: Not to loss a time for making a date
T: Vehicle software could find a person with the same interests nearby/in a traffic jam

P: No time for sleep, eat, shower
V: Customer relaxation
T: Customer sleep at capsule at home. Capsule is integrated in the car while passenger/driver is sleeping. Customer wake up in the middle of the hourney, take a dry shower inside the car and drink coffee

I hope, that in future many kinds of work will not require visiting office. All meetings will be carried out in VR.

P: ypu have free time in the traffic jam or want to eat/drink
V: shopping from the car
T: online shop on the outter surfaces of the cars

P: Boring
V: City Tour
T:to know information and history about the city, windows can zoom important pictures


Give access to the car after some mini-achievement (a run, finish some work etc)
P: people get lazy and unmotivated

Zero money loss

saved energy costs some money

solar films on cars produce car energy

P: passengers pay money for movie
v: bla bla movie
T: Imax in the car

P: Car earn money
V: To make 'google map' from all cars
T: Car has video cameras that make pictures for others from all over the world

Peace of mind

P: You are tired
V: clear air+ O2, SPA
T: ionizators, O2 gas

P: tired
V: different types of movement: elephant, horses, boat, train
T: amortisation

P: No emotion from car after some amount of time
V: Customer satisfaction
T: individual and adoptive to any customer or passenger interior light, tactile feeling of material, favorite sounds. Outer view.

Problem: driver has a significantly reduced physical activity
Value: gym-on-wheels
How: install some fitness equipment inside car. The energy spent by driver during such training can be used to power on-board equipment.

How: Brain-muscle stimulation (Halo,  Cybermionics)

How: electrical muscle stimulation

"Happy Car" - car which detects hobby and interests\emotional type\emotional state of driver\passengers and provides VR scenery (ex: scubadiving, flight experience etc) in order to improve emotional state

Self driving cars "Ride sharing"
Problem: lonely people, efficient


P: borring
V:roller coaster
T: change movements in all axis

"Food creation inside the car" Nutrition production machine (connected to the "Personal helper" identifying the neccassary diet for cuctomer): in- some raw materials; out: the product containing all required proteins; vitamins; so on - you only chose the taste (strawberry, for example)

Technology: cell engineering; protein modification; big data analysis

Value: health care and time effeciency; comfort for long distance travelling

Problem: waste of time spending on food shopping and on diet choice

"Creative Car" - there are different technologies to increase right hemisphere-brain activity of the driver/passengers. Value: each individual can increase his/her creativity and live a mindful life. Such state is also useful for selecting professional area for best personal achievements

Construct the special place in the car which is isolated from sound and bright light for rest or meditation
P: some people spend a lot of time in the car and get a lot of stress by street sounds

"Funny" smart car home with the sense of humuor: smell emission to improve people mood (the smell of happiness) in the case of family hard disputes or joke saying

Technology: AI; computer vision; cell engineering

Problem: bad mood in the home hours

Value: rest efficiency

Problem: depressive syndrome
Value: in-car treatment of depressive syndrome using cannabis (only for the countries in which cannabis is legal for medical use)
How: the car will "smoke" cannabis for driver automatically (only for the countries in which cannabis is legal for medical use)

P: Routine surroundings, lack of good weather.
V: Make road to work more exciting and diverse. Get positive emotions.
T: Change background of the external environment with VR. Save the road signs, buildings, other cars; but change only the background and sky. We may also include UV lamp and 'breeze' simulation module to make the experience to feel real.

"TELEKINESIS" at the car and home: sensetive surfaces and chip integrated in the brain - says orders for your smart car or house in your brain

Problem: unability to operate fastly inside the car and take the desired thing the lack time for the relax at home

Value: time effeciency

Technology: wireless surfaces; neuroscience; organic electronics; chip integareted in your brain

P: Different people have various driving techniques, some of them are too aggressive or too slow.
V: Get info about other car drivers and get an idea what to expect from them.
T: Coloring the car according to personal temperament.

Connected clothes and car interior: colour change depending on location or mood; or hiding extra weight- you look slimmer

Technology: smart coatings, metamaterials and AI

Value; personal self-expression

Problem: need for self-expression

P: Drivers move at long distances alone
V: You will never walk alone
T: Hologram of your friend, beloved percon near you

Online driving instructor, english techer etc.

Historical trip:
3D projections of the city 20-30-50 years ago on the car windows

P: Check you health
V: Sensors in safety belts
T: MRI and etc

Problem: many people underestimate the symptoms when they catch cold
Value: improved diagnostics, epidemic prevention
How: car measure body temperature using IR sensors and perform microbiological analysis of spittle if the person coughs.

P: Passenger feels sick
V: Emergency in your own car - for chronical illnesses - epilepsy, heart disease
T: sensors detect any changes, do injections, car drives to a hospital

Cheap fresh food
P: Bad food and high price, high amount of the lost food
Delivery of very fresh food from the place it was grown using drons, checking the amount of the food enough for every region and redelivery to the places with low amount of food like Africa etc
T: Data base of food needs in different areas and robotic delivery