The past simple

Regular Verbs in Past Simple

put -ED at the end of the verb

dance - danced

Irregular Verbs in Past Simple

we use the past simple form of the verb

go - went

Differences between Past Simple and Present Perfect

Use the simple past when the action started in the past, finished in the past, and is not continuing now. Use the present perfect when the action started in the past and is continuing now.

The sun has risen. (Present perfect: We know that the sun already rose, and it is still in the sky now.)

The sun rose at 6:00 am. (Simple Past: We know that the sun came up at a time in the past and it is not rising now. The sun may or may not be in the sky when this statement is made. The time is important to add.)

helper words


Yesterday we played the guitar

two days ago

She launched a new product 3 years ago

a long time ago

the other day

lst year

in 2017

Ways to use

Facts from the past

The Second World War began on 1st September, 1939.

An event from the past that happened once

My family bought a car.

Events that have happened several times in the past

When Bob was little, he played the guitar every day.

Several consecutive events in the past. For example, retelling a story

Mary made a cup of coffee, dressed up and picked up a phone.

Conditions in the past

Bob and Mary were friends before.

Habits from the past

Mary always visited museum on Fridays.

In conditional sentences of the second type after the words when, after, before, if, unless

If Bob had more courage, he would invite Mary for a date.

With the expressions it’s time (it’s time) and it’s high time (it’s high time). Past Simple describes not a situation in the past, but something in the present or future

It’s time Bob invited Mary for a date.

With the expression I wish (how I would like) and If only (if only) to express regret or dream

I wish I spoke English.