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Ancient Rome diagram

Ancient Rome diagram

Learn more about how a small village on the banks of the Tiber River became the core of one of the most powerful ancient civilizations.

Keywords: history, Ancient Rome, Roman Empire

Ancient Rome diagram

Ancient Rome

Learn more about Ancient Rome civilization. Find out what are the most important events in the history of Rome and answer the questions in this template to consolidate your knowledge.

Ancient Rome

Learn more about how a small village on the banks of the Tiber River became the core of one of the most powerful ancient civilizations.


476 A.D.

What major event took place in 476 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

Division of the Roman Empire

In what year did this event take place? Type in the answer.

Roman Empire split in half
359 A.D.

What major event took place in 359 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

End of the 50-year civil war

In what year did Diocletian proclaim himself the human manifestation of Jupiter, reuniting the empire and ending the civil war?

Type in the answer.

end of 50-year civil war
117 A.D.

What major event took place in 117 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

Second Roman emperor

Around what year did Trajan become the second Roman emperor?

Type in the answer.

2nd Roman emperor
64 A.D.

What major event took place in 64 A.D.?

Type in the answer.

First Roman emperor

Around what year did Augustus became the first Roman emperor?

Type in the answer.

1st Roman emperor
43 B.C.

What major event took place in 43 B.C., in the year after Caesar's assassination?

Type in the answer.

Fall of the Roman Republic and rise of the Roman Empire

In what year did Caesar declare himself 'imperator', therefore becoming the sole dictator of Rome? This is the year in which the Republic government came to end.

Type in the answer.

Rise of Roman Empire
60 B.C.

What major event took place in 60 B.C.?

Type in the answer.

Third punic war

In what year did this war take place, leaving Carthage completely destroyed? Type in the answer.

Third punic war
218 - 201 B.C.

What major event took place between 218 - 201 B.C.?

Type in the answer.

In what year was Rome invaded by Hannibal and the Gauls from northern Italy?

Type in the answer.

Hannibal invades Rome
264 B.C.

What major event took place in 264 B.C.?

Type in the answer.

In what year did the Gauls attack Rome?

Type in the answer.

Gauls attack Rome
509 B.C.

What major event took place in 509 B.C.?

Type in the answer.


Around what year was Rome founded? Type in the answer.

Rome is founded by Romulus and Remus

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