Addiction to Technology - Mind Map

Addiction to Technology

How Technology Addiction Impacts the Brain

Studies have also shown how the brain scans of young people suffering from teen technology addiction are similar to individuals who have addictions to cocaine, alcohol and other substances.

What is Technology addiction?

Technology addiction is the need to be connected all day long. The person suffering from this addiction has the feeling that when he or she is not connected, he or she is missing important information.

Technology addiction can vary widely. Some of the most common include: Excessive texting
Online gambling
Online auctions
Compulsive web surfing
Unrestricted video game playing
Prolonged social media interaction
Watching pornography

Signs of technology adiction

Sleep loss.
Loss of appetite.
Lack of interest in socializing.
Spending many hours checking the cell phone or computer.
Forgetting day-to-day tasks to be on social networks or playing games.


Break the tech addiction:

Going out with friends or family.
Be realistic - Accept the addiction and set a time to use the networks or play.
Remove notifications from your phone.
Reduce the number of apps on your phone.

Centers in Valencia

Centro de Desintoxicación | IVATAD
NO-A | Centro de Desintoxicación
Inspirando Transformación | Centro de Tratamiento y Desintoxicación de las Adicciones.

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Klik her, for at centrere dit kort.