IPA Consonant Symbols

Consonant Position


Made with the lips.

"b" in "brother"


Made with the botton lip and the top teeh.

"v" in "violet"


Made with the top of the tongue and the top teeth.

"th" in "though"


Made whit the tip of the tongue and behind the top teeth.

"t" in "table"

Post - Alveolar

Made with the tip of the tongue and and the area behind the alveolar consonants are produced.

"sh" in "shake"


Made with the tip of the tongue behind the alveolar ridge.


Made with the tongue and the palate.

"y" in "yellow"


Made with the back of the tongue and the velum.

"c" in "carrot"


Made with the glottis, that is the throat.

"h" in "house"

Manner of Articulation or Qualities


The mouth is closed, then air is released with a sharp burst.

"p" in "put"


Made with the back of the mouth closing up so that air passes throught the nasal cavity.

"n" in "nothing"

Tap or Flap

The consonant is made with the tongue quickly "tapping" some part of the mouth.

"t" in "better"


Made by closing some part of the mouth or vocal tract and pushing air through a small opening.

"f" in "fear"

Lateral Approximant

Made with the tip of the tongue placed against the top teeth, and air coming out the small space between the sides of the tongue and the top of the mouth.

"l" in "late"