parts of a computer


Motherboard is one of the
most essential parts of a
computer system.

CPU is the central processing
unit and is main chip in the
computer responsible for
carrying out computer task

RAM is a form of a computer
data storage that stores data
and machine code currently
being used.

Drive is a location this is capable
of storing and reading information
that is not easily removed like a
disk or disc.

Cooling devices use chilled water
to decrease the local temperature
of tissue.


Graphics card is an expansion
card which generates a feed
of output images to a display

USB stick that you can
carry anywhere once
you've created your
portubal computer.

Ethernet is a family of
computer networking
technologys commonly
used in local area

Video is an electronic medium
for the recording,copying,
display of moving visual

Audio equipment refers to devices
that reproduce,record,or process

Keyboard is a typewriter style
device which uses an arrangement
of buttons or keys to act as mechanical
levels or electronic switches.

Microphone is a device that
captures audio by converting
sound waves into an electrical

Webcam is a video camera that
feeds or streams its image in real
time to or through a computer to
a computer network.

headphones a pair of head mounted
speakers that are positioned over the

Monitor is an output device which
displays information in pictorial form.

printer is a device that accepts
text and graphic output from a
computer and transfers the
information to paper.

Operating system

Process management is an integral part
of any modern day operating system.

Memory management is a form of
resource management applied to
computer memory.

Device management is a control panel
applet in Microsoft windows operating

Storage management, in the context of IT,
refers to software solutions that help
facilitate data storage.

User interface, in the industrial
design field of human computer
interaction, is the space where
interactions between humans and
machines occur.