
Definition of globalization

Globalization, or globalisation, is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.

Positive impacts


Good relations between countries

Good relations between countries can lead to a country helping another during a time of need or during a crisis

Russia sent two million masks to China during the covid 19 outbreak as humanitarian aid due to their good relations and common goal of being anti-NATO.

A convoy of Russia's humanitarian aid


More efficient infrastructure

Globalization leads to the spread of inventions/innovations and ideas which can optomize the infrastructure of a country

Ivan Sutherland created the first virtual reality headset back in 1968 and now in 2019 virtual reality technology is being used to model construction projects which will eventually shape cities all over the world.

An engineer using augmented
reality to observe a construction site


Spread of technologies
which help the environment

Solar glass was invented in 2017 by a team of scientists in the University of Michigan and has started to spread around the world as an expensive but worthy investment in the many buildings being constructed around the world.

The Dubai Frame is an iconic skyskraper in Dubai and attracts many tourist and visitors all over the world and using Onyx Solar's photovoltaic glass(solar glass) the building doesnt use much electricity which isn't self powered.

The Dubai Frame

Negative impacts


War and conflicts over supply and demand

The spice trade which occured in the 1600's created many conflicts and wars between european countries such as Portugal, France and Britain fighting for land and supplies of spices in South Asia because there was a lot of demand in european countries for spices.

Portugal seized Malacca(Malaysia) and seized cities on the east coast of Africa using their military to open up a trade route to China.

Map of the major trade routes


Geopolitical conflicts which
cause turmoil in the economy

Due to the president of france, Emmanual Macron's anti radicalism plan an uproar was caused in muslim majority countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and Qatar and these countires along with many muslim societies are boycotting french products which cause an economic downslide in France.

Protestors in Kolkata, India


An increased carbon footprint
througout the world

Globalization creates competition between industries, transportation of goods and other services which require energy to function and so fossil fuels are burnt to create this energy which increases the co2 emission of the world and creates a negative impact on the environment.

The industrial revolution which occurred between the 1760's to the around the 1820's created much competition throughout the world for creating train systems, steam engines and many other inventions. This competition forced industries around the world to burn fossil fuels without and hesitation and started the main cause of pollution we see in the world today which is industrialization.

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