How Cystic Fibrosis affects: - Mind Map

How Cystic Fibrosis affects:

The individual-
Cystic fibrosis damages the lung tissue so severely that it no longer works. Lung function worsens moderately, and it most likely will progress and becomes life-threatening. Over time this can cause the inability to effectively digest foods and fats. There are also many physical and emotional side effects including headaches, back problems, depression, loneliness and anger.

The economy-
The lifetime health care costs of someone living with Cystic Fibrosis are approximately $306,332 USD, per patient. These costs affect the economy as trillions of dollars have been spent on treatments and health costs for people suffering from Cystic Fibrosis. Unfortunately their are many countries that can not afford these treatments or simply do not offer health coverage or insurance causing the less fortunate people to suffer and die.

Cystic fibrosis is considered a disability, although those who choose to work must limit their physical duties at work and always take it easy by doing simple tasks. Many people working while suffering from cystic fibrosis face discrimination from employees and bosses due to their disability.

The media-
Some people with Cystic Fibrosis create barriers from forming relationships, such as a lack of independence or embarrassment because of their symptoms and the way media portrays the illness. Media can negatively affect people with this disease as they fabricate and make them look like freaks. Although, their are positive ways the media can help and affect people with Cystic Fibrosis as it raises awareness and can help connect others with this illness together to talk and relate to one another.

The health care system-
While many people suffering from Cystic Fibrosis are often in hospitals or doctors offices, it is very important that people with the disease are not in close contact with others who suffer from the same diagnoses because their lungs are easily infected.

The family-
Cystic Fibrosis does not only affect the one diagnosed with it, it can drasticly affect their family members and loved ones as well. Stress, anxiety, depression and not knowing the certionesy of the affected's future and health can take huge toll of the family's well being. Family and friends may be expected to tend and take care of the affected while they are sick.

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