punctuation marks and usage - Mind Map

punctuation marks and usage

Punctuation showa us how to estructure sentences and how each sentences should be read

The English language has a system of symbols and signs know as "tuctuation"


full stop or period

Marks the end of a sentences

is used at the end of acronyms and titles that is part of a proper name


Round brackets

separates extra information from the
rest of the sentence or add emphasis.

Commas can replace them without changing
the sentence.

Square brackets

use by the editor to idicate extra

semi colon

Finish sentences but it
connects with the next one


after the name or denomination
of the people to whom we are addressing in a letter

to express our message:

Ellipsis points

Indicate omitted words

to add effect to a sentence

Dashes and hyphens

En dash

indicate a period of time,
range of numbers or a

Em dash

Long dash that can be used
instead of

a comma colon of brackets

this adds emphasis or
enhances readability


used to join words or to
separate syllables in a word

Quotation marks

Indikcates direct speech


Forward slash is used to indicate
the word "OR"

can be used to separate the day,
month and ear.

Exlamation mark

Marks the end of a


dramatic statement

Question mark

Indicates the end of a question


indicate a natural pause in a sentence

or is used to separate itemps in a list

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