Subtance use and abuse - Mind Map

Subtance use and abuse

what is problematic substance use?

Problematic substance use
is when someone uses
drugs or alcohol in a harmful way

who can be affected ?





why do people abuse substances ?

A person is trying to fix an issue within their life and they see drugs as the solution.

Someone was forced to take drugs by a parent or by a friend

what percentage of school aged
children are abusing substances ?

60 percent of high school students

44 percent of middle school Students

what are some warning signs of
problematic substance use?

Sudden changes in mood.

Aggressive behavior.


Suicidal thoughts.

Main topic

what are some related behaviours?

Feeling of exhilaration and excess confidence.

No energy

cannot stand still


They Can't speak properly

where can someone get help from?

There are many websites

School teacher


Guidance counselor

Is ploblematic substance use linked
to mental illness?

Yes, in a survey they found that who experience a mental illness during their lives will also experience a substance use disorder and vice versa.

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