form and function

Stability and center
of gravity

Stability: Is the ability of an
object to maintain its balance
after being disturbed. In other
words how well it resists tipping

Center of gravity: The stability
of an object is extremely dependent
on the center of gravity. The center
of gravity is considered as the weight
of an object. We can use center of gravity
to determine when an object is at its tipping
point and about to fall over.

Types of structures

mass: mass structures are
things like sand castles and
other things by pilling up material.

frame: frame structures are
the structures having the combination
of beam,column and slab to resist the lateral
gravity loads.

shell: thin shell structures are
light weight constructions using
shell elements. these elements are typically
curved and are assembled to large structures.

External and internal forces

Internal forces: are forces
exchanged by the objects in
the system.

External forces: are forces
caused by external agent
outside of the system.

Magnitude and direction of force

Magnitude and direction of force:
force is a push or a pull and has
both magnitude and direction.
the magnitude of the force is how much,
the direction is in which way.