

Claire Carmichael has written the novel "Originator" to expose our greatest hopes, and our greatest fears.

The Hulk


(Universal Studios) Director: Ang Lee

Quotes from the film


"Genetic Manipulation is dangerous and stupid, NO HUMAN SUBJECTS!" "My son is unique, the world would not tolerate his exsistance." "Beyond Gods Boundaries"

Creator Vs Creation


The relationship between the Creator and the creation is relavent in all film texts. In Marvel film, The Hulk, Bruce is detached from his father, much like Adam and Callie through-out "Originator". Bruce is a monster on the outside. His father a monster on the inside. The fact that he experimented on himself, knowing or not knowing whether the genetic experiment in which he conducted on himself (the creator/ Bruces (the Hulks) father). In the final scenes of the movie, the battle between protagonist and antagonist, creator and creation occurs. Furhter experimentation had been conducted on himself (father/creator) to make him a strong being as well as his son. Gamma exposure was experimented on the creator.The battle turns into a fight between good and band, creator and creation.

Notes Taken In Class


"Dangerous and stupid, no human subjects" Green = Science, radiation, positive, go. Bruce has tekn the scientific career like his father/creator. Comic strip type film techniques, 2 frames - Marvel comics. Government is trying to gain control on manipulation Eric Bana is an experiment himself Dangers and fears of radiation in society. Constant feeling of being watched - by his creator Bana's Malecular structure changed The eye is a symbol of the hulk. His father is an antagonist, - he comes a monster Weird dream which Bruce has. - focus's on genetic manipulation consequences. Bruce becomes a monster through anger and emotion - riteous anger. Setting; Science laboratories, ties in with the Sci-fi genre. Bruce is a monster on the outside,His father is a monster from the inside out. Betty (ex-girlfriend of Bruce) goes on a quest to see whats happening, to gain answers. The Hulk has similar narrative structure, compared to all films studied. "My son is unique, the world wouldnt tolerate his exsistance. Bettys father (the man who put Bruces father in gaol, and the general of the operation to hold bruce captive) is an antagonist in the film. Creator/Bruces father uses dogs for protection, much like the clone in the final scene of Boys from Brazil. A distant relationahip between father and son, like Professor stillman and his children. The detachment, seems to come from the son (Bruce) The contrast between the two creators in The Hulk and Originator is this; One *hulk* is a low life, poor. Other *stillman* is a high leet, people respect him, and is of high power. The dogs in which Bruces father uses for protection are deformed, and creatures unlike any other. They are "franks" Much like Zane, who is also a frank like these dogs. Bruce's genetics have been Genetically altered, deformed. The experiment which is the hulk, is "Beyond Gods Boundaries" which is a particular debate in cloning and playing "God". The creation defeats his creator in the end of the film.

Characters of "Originator"



Dictionary.com defines "Antagonist" as:1. a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another; opponent; adversary. 2. the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work: Iago is the antagonist of Othello. "Baddie"



Dictionary.com defines "Protagonist" as: The leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work. "Goodie"



Created by Professor Stillman. Adam is described as being "So alike to his sister (Callie) that it is almost like looking into the mirror"He has pale coffee skin, navy blue eyes and straight black hair. Adam is believeable as a teenage boy in a futuristic society. He hold a crush on Minna, best friend of sister Callie. He is first introduced in Chapter 1 of novel "Originator". The novel begins with his name. He is shown playing virtual tennis, which shows a sporty, fit side of the character. Adam's purpose in the test is to provide the irony of the novel. He is a moral contrast to his father, he is against his fathers work and is seen as "Not perfect" because of this.



The social concious of the novel, down to earth. She is a protagonist of the novel. Adam is her brother. She is another child of Professor Stillman.



Character David is a protagonist of "Originator", even though the character isnt alive through out the novel. David was the elder brother of protagonists Adam, Callie and Faris. He kept a diary, which he wrote down his thoughts. "He talked about what it would be like to die - even maybe killing himself, stuff like that." - Faris page 90, chapter 6. Mental instabilitys and chemical imbalaneces were extremely rare in their society, as genetic manipulation terminated the "bad genes" that caused such problems. "Mental instability was a grave genetic fault and even the most advanced genetic engineering had shown little success in alleviating it." - page 91, chapter 6. Definition: "Alleviating" –verb (used with object), to make easier to endure; lessen; mitigate: to alleviate sorrow; to alleviate pain. "For that reason, any evidence before birth of potential mental problems resulted in the automatic termination of the foetus." page 91, chapter 6. The reader would question why Professor Stillman didn't "terminate" his own son, whilst in the artificial womb. The prologue reveals that David was terminated in his late teen years, when the chemical imbalance was revealed, causing David to become depressed. David is the rhetorical question in the text. He is the key character to reveal the detatchment of Professor Stillman and his children.



Minna is a protagonist of the novel "Originator"

Gresham Tate


Gresham Tate is the religious figure in the novel "Originator". The character is the father of Callie best friend Minna, as well as the leader of the "Church of Compassion", one of the aprooved religions in the society. Tates church questions the laws and regulations of the government, and the debate of the Church vs State. Tate is the call of God, a saviour to those who rebel against the government. Tate questions protagonist Adam about his views on Genetic manipulation, and such things as feits (counterfeits) or franks (allusion to Mary Shellys Frankenstein). Page 183, Chapter 12 "Have you ever wondered, why people find it necessary to be counterfeits in the first place?" asked Gresham "I suppose they want things they're not entitled to have." "do you think its fair that everybody doesnt have the same opportunities?" "It's the way it is" Adam felt a rush of impatience. 'Society would fall apart if there wasen't a firm structure, and if people didn't stay where they belonged.' The paragraph of dialogue above portrays to the audience, and gives evidence of Gresham being a rebelion against the government, and the way society is run. It has been protrayed before to the audience that Adam is against the work of his father, in Chapter 2, when they visit Genetitron. "Society would fall apart if there wasent a firm structure.." - This is what the government should inforce, and do. Rules and laws to keep society functioning. The government has gone to the extremes in wanting so much power over manipulation and science that it has exceeded a "firm structure."



A Fabrication animal, mixture between an extinct Florida panther and the Mastiff dog. He is Adam and Callies pet. He is introduced as a birthday present to both protagonists Adam and Callie at their birthday celebration (In chapter 2 or 3) He is first introcudes by a Mid man holding the "lithe" black animal on a leash. Zane is manufactured/fabricated to protect both Adam and Callie. He is designed to be this stron perfect creature. He defines a contrast between human and animal. Creation (Zane) turns on his creator (Professor Stillman).

Professor Stillman




Dr. Frankenstein: "It's alive! It's alive! In the name of God, now i know what its like to be God!" The creation defeats his creator. Audience may feel empathy for the "monster" which is Frankenstein.

Language Forms, Features and Structures of Texts



Frankenstein, Gattaca, Brave New World In all the films studied so far 22/8 The Hulk, Frankenstein, X-Men 2 - all creators are the antagonist of the film text. All creations are seen by the public in the filmsl as being monsters. Growing into big, green creatures, and super powers like the mutant "X-Men" are examples of them being monsters. Perhaps through image yes, but what about moral and ethic values?



Comparative Reading Lesson Mary Shelleys "Intertextual" allusion, when Dr. Frankenstein created a being out of a range of body parts. Historical (Early 20th century book - 1920-ish) In the test "Originator" it refers to "Franks" being made of different genetics etc. Genetic pieces. "I think he could do just about anything, he wanted to do, including cloning, or even making a frank. - Page 148

The Hulk


The Hulk is Marvel film, originating from a comic book character. The X-men series is also a Marvel film, originated from the comic books. The Hulk is intertexual to both X-Men 2 and "Originator" as the government is trying to gain control of genetic manipulation. The governments gaining control and wanting to be the main source of power is some sort of sterotype. Main character (the hulk) Bruce, is an experiment; just as protagonists Adam and Callie are.

X-Men 2


X-Men 2 shares the sci-fi theme of creator vs creation.



"Boys From Brazil" Film text. Allusion - Scene through-out movie. Mirrors used to portray "many", that there are many of the one boy who is in the scene. It focus's on the mise-en-scene, and the fact that he is a clone.

Aryan Race


See "Historical"




Verbs used in Chapter 1 are negative and strong descriptors of war, power and strength. "Heavy sarcasm.", The verbs are very agressive, like "annihilate." Could this be an agressive society?



Adverbs used in "Originator" are used to set the tone, and the theme of the novel.




Metalanguage: Science


Metalanguage is found through-out all film texts studied in this course.

Appropriated language



X-men 2, The Hulk and Boys from Brazil are the film texts studied in class. They all contain a male antagonist, and the same narrative structure.



Film techniques in the film text The Hulk are related to the original idea of the comic books which X-men and The Hulk came from. Two or more frames are used as a film technique to represent "comic book-like" views in the film. In 'Boys From Brazil" mise-en-scene is shown when character Lieberman walks into a surberian house where he meets the first of 94 clones, bought up to be an exact replicar of Hitler, who is quoted to be "The greatest man who ever lived." Mirrors are used to show repition of the boy, showing "many", highlighting the fact that he is a clone.



The opening scene of "X-Men 2" shows a mutant attacking the white house. Opera score is playing played, to create drama and anticipation, suspence. It is a very dramatic, action scene, used well to open the film, as the film is filled with action.


Links to core text




Pages 70, 84, 85 70: The controversy of male teacher "Hurst" kissing protagonist Callie. 84: Talk of extra school work, average parents to children convosation. Talk of report cards and grades in school. Reader may relate to protagonists Adam and Callie.



Page 9 Chapter 1 - "Originator" The paragraph on the second half of the page informs the reader of Genetitrons purpose. "Genetic manipulation of both people and animals." "The elimination of inherited diseases and weakness." and "The research to improve synthetic wombs that offered a superior environment to humans that had been exposed to radiation, chemicals and disease." It shows that Genetic manipulation is for the greater good.. it is portrayed here in the beginning of the novel.



Character is "Originator" are educated due to their social class, and their ranking in society. Callie's best friend Minna for example is "a High Mid (ranking below Leets) and therefore authorised to attend a selective cluster school." - page 40, chapter 3. "Subtopic of Education" - relates to the smh.com article of "Indian Mother Kills Daughter for wanting school". In which the child wished to be educated, but that was not acceptable in the "social class", or "society" in which they live in.



Virtual reality. Mainly found in chapter one of the novel "Originator", the novel is introduced (apart from the prologe) with a game of virtual tennis, in which the reader is introduced to protagonists Adam and Callie. By opening the novel with a virtual reality game it sets the Science-Fiction scene, and supplies the reader with an overall view of the core idea which the novel is based around. This core idea is Genetics, and something which is advanced to our modern society we have now in the 21st century.



Professor Stillmans relationships with his children are distant. The antagonist is based mianly around his experiments, in which his children actually are! Stillman does not have a balanced lifestyle of leisure, relationships etc, and work. The novel portrays to the audience that he is so focused and determined to fulfil is goals, that he will do just about anything to do so.





Arts and Music


Rolling stonesSavage Garden Hanson etc Fashion: Each rank is society is distinguised between what colour they wear, whether it be black and red or Mids, White and Blue for subs. White for the highest ranking, which is Leets, portrays purity, cleanliness, and innocence. Carmichael portrays knowledge of history, Art history, and 17th century music for example, which are mentioned in the novel; to emphasise that the novel is set in a futuristic society, and to expose to the audeince, our greatest hopes and our greatest fears of science, and the future.


Social Class


Leets, Mids and Subs All with their own social and legal rights "Adam was angry that Tate, a Mid, was even debating the subject with him." Adams opinions portray that he is somewhat like his father, or may just know his place in society. The fact that he was angry that a Mid, even though Tate may be 20 - 30 odd years older than him, had his own opinions, portrays that Adam, due to the sterotypes of society, believes that he is more superior than Tate, as he is of another social class. "The question of fairness had been one Adam hadn't thought much about. To be honest, it was easier to accept that the world was organised the way it was, especially when he was a High Leet, and at the top of the heap." The statement not only expresses Adams opinions, and shows selfishness in them, but portrays the vast impression which the High Leet status may believe; the fact that they are at the top of the heap, and are better than others. This relates to X-Men 2, in which average civilians with no mutations may think mutants are "freaks", "abnormal" "wrong in society". They frown upon mutants, and believe that they are more superior than them; although frightened at the fact that mutants are more physically and mentally powerful than them.



Conflict with religion: Church State debate



State Vs The Church. = Conflict between who controls the country - city etc.

Creator versus creation

Approved religions


The fact that the state is already in control of the Religions in society, portays to the audience that there is a "firm structure" in society, which Adam mentioned on page 183 Chapter 12. Religion isnt about expressing opinions and beliefs anymore, its about rebelions who disagree with the government,. This is in relation to the martyrs of the roman empire, when they were put to death for therir beliefs. The Church vs State seems the state is already "winning" as religions need aprooval.

Interpretations of religion versus science


The church vs state is a major debate in many countries. Whether the church, or the state runs the country.



Allusions Dolly the sheep Aryan race - Hitler Cultural keeper Ancient Greeks Stones/Rolling Stones Savage Garden Hanson 70's 80's 90's music. 17th Century Music Page 184 of chapter 12 says this: "Sarkland was interested in enlisting the Church of Compassion's support to achieve certain political goals. When it became obvious that members of the Church not only didn't agree with his ideas, but actively opposed them, he made it clear that we were now on his list of enemies" says Gresham Tate. The above is a Historical Allusion to the roman society in which martyrs were exsistant. They were punished, tortured, and even put to death due to their beliefs. Sarkland is a powerful political icon. He is a leader, and comparative to the rulers of the roman times, in which they made themselves gods, and ordered people to believe in them (the rulers), or death. "We were now on his list of enemies." - Is evident to the above said. Not believing in him, and following him, results in the non-followers to be frowned upon, and punished.

Allusions to Aryan Race


"Aryan Race" allusions were discussed when Comparative reading in an English lesson. Allusion to "Hitlers Aryan Race" page 41 of "Originator". "She's very white, almost no colour in her skin at all. She's got a few wisps of fine blonde hair and big blue eyes." - Historical content of the novel - The quote from protagonist Callie, refers to a historical event.


Art History


Debates on eugenics and cloning


The context in the novel is split down the middle, meaning there are two sides to the argument, whether Genetic manipulation and genetically altering Eugenics, is a positve way to overcome the complications of society. Which in the novels case is the Mardi virus;s, and to "exterminate" disease.

Science as creator


Roles and power relationships between men and women


The Prologue


The proglogue is a first person response by an un-named character. The "I" of the prologue is the character David. "David is an experiment." The prologue provides insight into the character, however, it also provides insight into the context of the novel, the context being Eugenics. The repitition of the pronoun "he", makes the "he" sound significant. "he" being a professor of some type as the test says "in his laboratory." The "he" is Professor Stillman, an antagonist, as he is willing to sacrafice his own child for the experiment, for science. "He talked with me yesterday." - suggests detachment between the "he" and the "i". The text infers that a "chemical imbalance" is un-exceptable to the "he". The concerns of the novel are highlighted in the question "is it genetic?" The Narrator of the prologue is suggesting that the "he" will go on experimenting until perfection". The prologue provides insight and sets the tone and mood of the novel; suggesting that the prologue may fit in to the novel later. Alot of mystery comes from the prologue, persuades you to ask many questions and gather different ideas in your head , of the novels context. The prologue fits in to the novel pages 203 and 204 in Chaoter 13. It is a journal entry, which their deseased brother David wrote. The reaction of the 3 children (Adam, Callie and Faris) is one of shock and awe, Adam describes his lost brother as being "Mad" and "off his head insane."



Creator versus Creation

Indian Mother Kills Daughter For Wanting School


Reference: - smh.com.au - August 14th/2007 The primary source relates to the novel "Originator". The article provides insight into the relation of creator and creation. The creation (girl killed and Adam) has different intentions, views and ideas than their creator (mother and Professor stillman) Eugenics is the science of survival of the fitest. Overpopulated countries - wish for boys. Females often killed at birth. Females are imperfect in their country. Knowledge and education is only relavent/acceptable and needed for some. Controlling birth rates and gender in Third world countries - is it a good idea? for the populations sake? or a bad thing?


Science as creator

Genetic Modification



Ethics–oun 1. (used with a singular or plural verb) a system of moral principles: the ethics of a culture. 2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics; Christian ethics. 3. moral principles, as of an individual: His ethics forbade betrayal of a confidence. 4. (usually used with a singular verb) that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions. - Defined by dictionary.com

Nature v nurture




Eugenics–(used with a singular verb) the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, esp. by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics). - Defined by dictionary.com


Boys From Brazil



Jews Vs Natzis Power of science in society Ethics and values Power of God Thical values of nature vs Nurture



"Creation vs Creation" The final "Boys From Brazil" seen, in which the creation (clone) has power over his creator.



Use of mirrors to present cloning (film technique) Mise en scene To show repitition, to inform the audience. - Inform the audience of "many" "Many clones" - Flashbacks - to Mengele's days in the hospital creating clones. Hitler = "The greatest man in all history" - To show cloning history to create a hitler - perfect race.

X-Men 2


20th Century Fox Director: Bryan Singer

Notes Taken In Class


Film is related to "The Hulk" as it is another MARVEL film based pn a comic book. "Next link in the revolutionary chain, or a new species?" - Dr. Xavier is quoted at the begining of the film. Opening scene: Mutant attacks the White House - opera score is being played, to create drama, and anticipation. It is a very dramatic scene. The concept of the film is humans is other abilities, attachments, who are "special" and some would debate, a revolutionary being, more enhanced than everybody else. Like Betty is The Hulk, particuly Logan (Wolverine), but all mutants are on a journey, to seek answers, and their origins. "Xaviers School for Gifted Youngsters" - school for special people, same way they are educated in Originator. Government wants to be in control of genetic manipulation. Good thing? Yes it may turn out of hand, and they could over take the world. Having power over everyone else. Although, this is what the government wants also. Therefore we DO elect (have) a government to be in control, and run things for us? The government sees mutants as enemies. Sterotypes are relavent in the film. The government in the film is a sterotype fo society, as they want, and are "Power". The mutants may, or may not have a superior ranking in society. The lighting in the Virtual reality program "Surebro" sets a dark mood. Serebro is technology, software - in modern society. It is virtual reality. It is a brain, and a very powerful thing in that world. Religious Context - the mutant which attacked White House in opening scene - hides science (his mutation) behind aprooved relgions - he hides in a church. Logan (wolverine) wants to find origins like protagonists "Adam and Callie". He is on his own journey in the film. Logan is a frank, just like Adam and Callie. The 3 are all very much linked. In the film, the use of technology is vast. Surebro, jets, turning metal into plastic - for Magnetos prison, etc. It all relates to the Science Fiction theme. X-Men 2 uses similar settings to the Hulk, laboratories, lots of important looking equipment etc. The mutant who attacked the White house's names is Wvagna, who was hitlers favourite composer. This related to the relation to hitler, and wanting to create a hitler in the film text "Boys from Brazil". Logan also encounters dream, flash backs, just like the Hulk character (bruce). They both try to find their origins. and "cant remember" when asked about the past. Magneto wants to gain control also. The first encounter with creator (Striker) who is Logans father - in the school, during the invasion. A bright light comes from behind striker, and shines of Logans face. The presence of God (gos who is our creator), or a holy person is present/shown here. Striker, who is the government, and Logans creator, represents the government through-out the film, and represents the government as antagonists.. and the "bad guys". Striker wants to gain revenge, developed a hate for mutants, as his son was a mutant. He saw him as imperfectm just like Professor Stillman saw his children. "They, (David/he) was supposed to be perfect" - he is quoted saying. Some mutants have marks on the back of their neck. They have been controlled, or are being controlled by the government. This is a way/ method of control which the government has taken. Character "Storm" is quoted saying: The school is a safe place. It is safe from everybody else". This shows that the mutants think that they are unsafe outside the school, and perhaps society is making them feel imperfect. This is shown as when character Bobby returns to his parents house, they ask "Have you ever tried to,,.. not be a mutant?", giving the impression of thinking its wrong, and not wanting it. The creators also think that he is imperfect.People think that mutants are lower than them. By people i mean, normal people. People who are not mutants. They think this because they are afraid that they (mutants) are alot more powerful than them, and fear their power. which is true, they are more powerful. Striker, is also a monster is moral value, just like Professor Stillman, and the hulks father. Striker is monster because of what he did to his son Jason. Striker says "my son is dead!" Jason is a ball of mush *not literally*. Magneto was represented as the antagonist in the first film of the series X-Men - in the 2nd film the mutants join forces, and Magneto and his "minions" become protagonists. Logan is with the mutants in the battle between "good and evil", although he is on his creators side (striker) as well, as he wants to gain answers of his origins. A scene is the film, is off Wvagna, and Mystic, a women who can transform into anyone, and imitate their voice also. The two chat about mutants, and Wvagna asks: "If you can transform, why dont you stay like a normal person all the time?" Mystic replies: "Because we shouldnt have to look like everybody else." Striker uses his son Jason, as a child into Xaviers brain, representing himself as a little girl, to manipulate Xavier, into using Surebro.


The Island

Notes Taken


Has dreams "Your special, have a purpose, The Island awaits you." White as predominant colour in costume - purity, cleanliness. The year 2019 Firm structure on society - loss of freedom "Proximity" Constantly watched "Fears of mental instability - nightmares Lincon 6 Echo rebels, wishes there was more - different "i want to know answers and i wish there was more, more than just waiting to go to the island." "Dont you know how lucky you are, that you survived the contamination, that nature has left you a Garden of eden to repopulate."