After Twenty Years - Mind Map

After Twenty Years




One of the main themes is
Loyalty. I think this because
Jimmy had a choice to be loyal
to his friend or his job. A
evidence for this from the text is
"I saw it was the face of the man
wanted in Chicago, Somehow I could
not do it myself."

Main Theme is Friendship.
Because Jimmy could not
arrest him himself so there
-for he still cares about his
friendship. A evidence from
text is "I could not do it myself
so I went around and got a plain
plain clothes man to do the job."



A conflict in this story
is person vs self. Because
hes in a inner conflict with
himself of being loyal to his
job or his frienship. A piece of
evidence from the text is "Somehow
I could not do it myslef, so I went around
and got a plain clothes to do my job.

Figurative Language


A piece of text for foreshadowing
in this book is "You've changed
lots, Jimmy. I never thought you were
so tall by 2 or 3 inches." That was a
hint that he may not have been Jimmy.


A piece of text of
a simile is "He and I were
raise in New York, just like
2 brothers" This is a simile because
he said just LIKE 2 brothers so he is
saying he was close to him just like a brother.


Connection to

Connection to

A connection to myself in this
story would be if my brother did
something bad do I not tell my
parents and be loyal to my brother
or do I tell them to be loyal to my

A connection to world is that
i'm sure everyone has been in
this situation where we had
to choose between 2 things
and we had to pick wisely who
to be loyal to.

Egin klik hemen zure diagrama zentratzeko.
Egin klik hemen zure diagrama zentratzeko.