Ancient Egypt

3. Located in the Northeast corner of Africa, Egypt grew to be an important civilization for over three hundred years because of the Nile River.

2. Ancient Egypt was the birthplace of one of the world's greatest civilization.

1. The Egyptians also used the Nile River as a means of transportation and trade, as well as irrigation for there crops.

10. We know a lot about Egyptians today because of all the beautiful detailed paintings and finely crafted sculpture left in the tombs of the pharaohs. Egyptian artists were also hired to decorate the walls of the temples for the Gods.

4. The pharaoh was more than a king. The Egyptians believed that he was the supreme ruler chosen by the gods to lead his people.


5. The history of Egypt is divided into three major time periods; the Old Kingdom ( when the pharaohs built the pyramids), the Middle Kingdom ( when trading and military explorers were sent out to expand Egypt's boundaries.

6. Before Lower and Upper Egypt were joined, each area was made up of serrate tribes who worshiped gods of nature; the sun, the wind, and the Earth for example.

7. Did you know King Tutakhamen, or King Tut for short, was called the " The Boy King"? He became a pharaoh when he was only nine years old, around the year 1350 B.C.

8. King Tut died when he was only nineteen. No one knows for sure if he died by accident, illness, or his enemies. His burial chamber was found by Britain's Howard Carter in 1922. The treasures of King Tut's tomb can be seen today in Cairo, Egypt.

9. The ancient Egyptians believed in a afterlife of beauty, peace, and contentment.

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