Channels of Distribution

Indirect distribution

- Indirect distribution is when a product goes through different "stages" to get to the consumer. - Example: Amazon, Uber eats


- Wholesalers purchase items in bulk from manufacturers and proceed to sell them to retailers. - Example: Costco wholesale


- Retailers purchase from wholesalers and manufacturers and then sell it to consumers in smaller quantities. - Example: Convenience stores, supermarkets


- Importers are the companies that provide supplies from a foreign place. - Example: Japan imports crude oil, One of Walmart's supplier is United kingdom


- Specialty is an indirect channel of distribution that is not related to retail stores - Example: Vending machines, news channels

Direct distribution

- Direct distribution is when a manufacturer directly sells to the consumer - Example: Door to door sales, purchasing from Nike

Exclusive Distribution

-Exclusive distribution is when the distributor company grants specific rights to the supplier to sell certain parts of the suppliers good. -Example: Apple allowing AT&T to be the distributor for the iPhone users, Automobiles

Selective Distribution

- Selling very specific products in very precise locations to certain retails -Example: Sony Tv's are sold at Walmart and Best Buy

Intensive Distribution

-Intensive distribution is when a company is selling their product to a big store. This way consumers will always be aware of the products -Example: Walmart selling Doritos, Toys R Us selling pokeman

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