Health Mind map

Important concept of Nutrition: Eat healthy

Less junk food Drink more water
eat proper meals
more nutrition

How do these units connected to each other? Nutrition is connected to fit theory for staying fit
Its is also connected to sports for being active and healthy
Nutrition is a healthier option than other substances like steroids.

Personal connections
As I need to eat more healthy food and nutrition to stay fit. I need to drink more water then pop and eat proper meals at right time. As i need more nutrition and less junk food as possible.

Important Concept Substance use and abuse Addiction, peer pressure, depression,

Personal connections I was addicted to junk food like sweets but i have overcome that and been good and have self control.

How do these units connected to each other?
It is connected as for sports like use of steroids
It is connected to sexuality and can lead to worst happenings
It is also connected to personal safety as for self control.

Important concept of Sexuality Personal limits
peer pressure

Personal connections I have been in a relationship and it was a health relationship and health terms

How are these units connected to each other? Is connected to sports for not treating yourself properly.
Connected to sexuality as for what may error you may see happening
Connected to nutrition and can lose feels for food and wanna eat what you feel like is good

Important concept of sports movement

How do these units connected to each other? sport is connected to nutrition as for healthy food.
Sport is connected with fit theory as for staying fit.
Steroids are use for sports to perform better.

Personal connection
When I am playing sports I show team work by including everyone and having a good sportsmen ship . Also I try to show leadership and practice at home on sports to be better at. I have skills for ll sports if i'm weak in a sport I try to learn and practice. I use my movement being in the right place at the right spot as rebound.

Important concept of Personal safety
personal values Boundary

Personal connections
As I been in a healthy relationship and never cross limits and anything and make proper choices and personal values.

Main topic

personal connections: It is important to get least 20 mins of exercise as you can be fit and not out of shaped. As for my life I try to work out at home to be in shape as well and to eat healthy as well to stay fit.

how are these units connected to each other?

fit theory connects to sports from being healthy for sport by playing better.
you can be fit by playing sports and exercise.
nutrition is a big key factor as it keeps u in shape if you are eating healthy and well.
fit theory connects to sports from being healthy for sport by playing better.
you can be fit by playing sports and exercise.
nutrition is a big key factor as it keeps u in shape if you are eating healthy and well.

How are these units connected to each other? Is connected to sports can make you depend how well you do in game
Also to fit theory as for you can feel lazy from whats happening around and lose interest.
Connected to personal safety as for you can have moody turns

Important concepts Fit theory cardio respiratory
muscular strength rest up

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