History-Industrial revolution


Houses in the 19th century were litle, with no yards, one right next to the other and one behind the other so that they could save money on land

Some houses cost as little as 50 pouns

Families who couldnĀ“t buy a house, lived in a cellar

A cellar was a wretched plac tolive given by the tenants to familes poorer than themselves

The lavatories were shared privies at the end of the street. A privy was a pit covered with a wooden seat. When the pit was full, someone was sent to empty it but that usually never happened and the pit overfloaded


The population was able to grow because new farming methods produced more food

There was mass produced and cheaply in factories,with the aid of the achines

As result, farmers had more money to spend and they bought things that had been made in towns, such as clothing, furniture and better equipment for their farms

The Industrial Revolution then, brought changes in farming, transport and industry


People in the 19th century used to live more or less until they were 40 years

DIseases were mainly caught by children

There were many disseases like Cholera, Typhus, Typhoid,etc.

The main reason why disseases were caught was because of poor houses, shortage of water and a back of sewers and decent lavatories

Doctors used to think that poisons in the air made people ill

Then, houses became healthier, because most of them started having running water
