Our First Peoples
The Story of Creativity

Spiritual and Cultural Beliefs

The Vikings

European Explorers

Jacques Cartier

Samuel De Champlain

John Cabot

Cristopher Columbus

Interactions Between Indigenous People and Europeans

First Nations

- Proposed a variety of different trading
and bargaining routes


- Exchanged cultures and heritages
such as traditional belief's, food and


- One of the most valuable contribution that
the Inuit made was founding the Hudson Bay company
because of the abundance of locally available resources.

The Indian act
The Indian act was a way of leglastion
to inform the First nation about the
concerns the Canadian government had
and how they were willing to show
their way of acknowledging and
recognizing the indegounous

Residential Schooling System
- Remove and isolate children from the of homes and families
- Made them forget about identity, ethnicity and heritage
- Convert religions and become Christian

Woodland Nations
Plateau First nations
Pacific coasts Nations
Iroquoian First Nations
Plains Nation
Makenzie and Yukon River Basins Nation

Truth Reconciliation Act and Reform is used to mandate is to inform all Canadians about what happened in Indian Residential Schools . The Commission will document the truth of survivors, families, communities and anyone personally affected by Residential Schooling experience.

Treaty: Is an agreement towards two different societies or governments.