

Where they live

in zoo


up in the trees

High-altitude, moist bamboo forest

What they eat

Cubs rely on mother’s milk for the first year, but start to eat bamboo after six months.






Pandas spend about 12 hours a day eating!

Did you know that pandas need to eat up to 40lb (18kg) of food a day to get enough nourishment? (Just lift a packet of sugar or something of similar weight to get an idea of how much bamboo this is!)

(New bamboo shoots are about 90 percent water.)


How long it lives

Chinese scientists have reported zoo pandas as old as 35.

The National Zoo's Hsing-Hsing died at age 28 in 1999.


1 or 2

one is likely to survive when they have 2

when i mom has twins one of the babies get to share time with there mom while one is with the other one goes with humans and there they feed them

Normally giant pandas give birth to a single cub (they're monotocous). Even if a female has two cubs, she would normally choose to take care of one and abandon the other.

A baby Giant Panda only weighs approximately 1/900th of the weight of an adult.

The newborn cub is blind, hairless, and tiny, weighing only 85-140 g (3-5 oz.).

The mother cradles her tiny cub in a paw and doesn’t leave the den for several days after giving birth, even to drink.

The rate of reproduction is about one cub every two years.

other fun facts

Giant Bear Cat, Bamboo Bear

Unlike other bears from temperate climates, giant pandas do not hibernate.

The giant panda, a black-and-white bear, has a body typical of bears. It has black fur on ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders.

The rest of the animal's coat is white.