Human Activities that Lead to Climate Chan...- Mind Map

Human Activities that Lead to Climate Change

Main topic

Main topic

Cutting down trees/Burning forests
for Land and Resources

We destroy trees to build homes and build resources for our everyday use. The CO2 is trapped in the trees which causes it to release in the atmosphere when cut or burned

When it is released then it causes greenhouse gases
to form which is good but we released too much of it
which resulted into heating up our planet.

By heating up our planet we are loosing many valuable things we need for example ice glaciers which is a main factor of climate change.

Using Non-Renewable Resources

We use non-renewable resources everyday when we
are working in a manufacturing factory, driving our cars, going on a plane and many more other things.

When we do all of these things it causes pollution
which contains CO2. We use our resources so much
that a lot more CO2 and other greenhouse gases are
getting in the atmosphere that is causing the planet
to heat up.

When the Earth is heating up more each year we are
loosing more of our glaciers that we need and many
other important things which is a cause of Climate change.

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