Education within the Maori culture

Generally spends less time within the education system. They are more inclined to learn from members within their own culture. These are the members of New Zealand's indigenous community. They mainly learn from the elders within the Maori community. There are many factors as to why this is the way it is. I will be listing these reasons in this mind map

According to an education survey conducted by, there is a wider education gap between Maori students and Non-Maori students in New Zealand. Results show that the leading reasons as to why there is a larger gap between Maori and Non-Maori students in education, is because of some barriers at school, including fitting in with peers, racist comments and not much support from teachers due to language barriers and more. More older Maori boys tend to have a more negative reaction towards the schooling system, mainly due to receiving poor grades and in general not liking school.

APA citations

Ministry of Education - Education Counts. (n.d.). Retrieved from

This has an effect on the Maori
people in different ways. This includes
the future of the Maori's general youth
population, the income and health of the
people, and an attitude towards society.
If a certain ethnic group is being outcasted
and being thrown racist remarks on a daily
basis, this is obviously going to affect the
mentality of the people. Even other things,
such as the language barriers may not be
compensated enough to have an interest and love for learning.

The Maori people generally make less income than other ethnic groups in New Zealand. This is mainly due to moral beliefs within the culture and old tales being passed down from generation to generation.

The socialization of education within this ethnic group is mainly among their own group, as they are able to communicate freely with one another without facing the system of poor grades, prejudice and hatred, and a dislike in general. Like any other indigenous community, education is passed on from elders and usually in the form of tales and questioning the existence and how things came to be.

What this does to an individual, is make them have a more spiritual and fantasy-like approach to everyday concepts that happen in life, such as consumption of food and water, sleeping, birth, death and basically the elements and components of the life we live in today.

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