Healthcare Systems
over the past 10 years - Mind Map

Healthcare Systems
over the past 10 years

Healthcare Financing


helps cover huge fraction of
remaining bill if patient is unable to


Insurance plan

Helps pay for large hospital bills

Help pays for selected outpatient treatment


Helps users to set aside part
of income for medical costs


Nursing Homes

For those who:

are without caregivers

need more specialized
and intense care

face abundant difficulties with
dealing with ILTC at home



Home Medical Care

Home Palliative Care

Meals on Wheels

Follow ups performed at home

e.g: blood pressure taken at home

helps those who:

have difficulty travelling

do not have anyone available to care for them

Allied Health Professionals

3 more med schools since 2011

more options and pathways to encourage Singaporeans to pursue medical professions

more trained professionals with university degrees

Healthcare Facilities

Expansion on facilities

lack of hospital beds

long term solutions

short term solutions

more beds being shared between private and public hospitals

corridor beds

Redevelopment of Alexandra;
- new general & community hospitals

Community hospitals:

sub-acute care

for those who cannot be cared for from home

coordination between general & community hospitals

progression of coordination over 10 years

Integrated Care

Links all participants in a seamless fashion

Integrated Technology




Communications system entry

care pathways ensure optimal recovery

adoption of patient-centered approach in all
of Sginapore's healthcare establishments


clinical integration

organizational integration

functional integration

service integration

Chronic Care

More accessible through primary care units

Early detection of diseases
through health screenings

save money

avoid harsher complications
from developing

Management of diseases

exercises to regain or maintain mobility

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