
Main Characters


Macduff is a kind noble warrior he has always been loyal to the king and ends up killing Macbeth in the end


Banquo shows his loyalty to Macbeth but also wants to feel free of responsibility and has always been true and devoted to the past kings


The Witches are very mischievous and like to play with others feelings. They tell Macbeth his future and turn him into a different person by getting him to do bad things in order for him to thrive


Macbeth is a very smart character but is very paranoid of the dead. He is a noble soldier and became king. Macbeth has scary hallucinations about the dead and hopes to outsmart those who doubt him

Lady Macbeth

Lady Macbeth is very determined and fearless she was counting on Macbeth to become king so she can be queen. She slowly starts to believe Macbeth is becoming weak and scared and is dissapointed in him. Lady Macbeth is very controlling and wants everything to go her way


He is a determined leader worthy of king he soon gathers an army and fights Macbeth. In the end he is crowned king and is important and caring of others


Act 1 - The three witches told Macbeth that he would soon be king. Macbeth perceived the only way to become king was by killing the current king

Act 2- Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to kill the King Duncan so she can become queen and Macbeth can live out his prophecy

Act 3 - Macbeth is worried Banquo will find out about him killing Duncan and Macbeth is feared of him. Macbeth orders three men to kill Banquo and Fleance. Banquo was killed and Fleance escapes.

Act 4 - The three witches summon apparitions that tell Macbeth that he should fear macduff. A Murder that works for Macbeth slaughtered macduff's family. Macduff and Malcolm are sick of Macbeth and work with an army to soon take over the throne

Act 5 - A war broke out between the English and the Scottish. Many innocent men died forced to fight for Macbeth in the end Macbeth and Macduff fight it out. Macbeth becomes weak, enough so that Macduff can slay him. Macduff and malcolm win the fight and soon enough Malcolm becomes king



Macbeth's story takes place in Scotland in the 11th century. most of the characters spend their time on the battlefield or in the castle

Some characters dwell in other places. Etc. London, Ireland or just time away from the castle

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