The Law - Mind Map

The Law


The LawRules made by government that forbid certain actions and are enforced by the courts

International Law


International LawLaw that governs the relations between independent nations.

Domestic Law


Domestic LawLaw that governs activity within a nation's borders.

Substantive Law


Substantive LawLaw that defines the rights, duties, and obligations of citizens and government.

Public Law


Public LawLaw related to the relationships between the individuals and the state.

Constitutional Law


Constitutional LawBody of law dealing with the distribution and exercise of government powers.Article SummaryThe pastor of a fundamentalist church, educated his three children and others in a schooling program operating in the church basement. He refused to send his children to an actual school because he believed there was no freedom of religion. As a consequence, he was charged with three counts of truancy under s. 180(1) of the School Act. He believed that everyone should have freedom of religion anywhere they go, not just school. The Act, which was enacted to regulate the education of young people in the Alberta schools, does not give the government absolute control over the education of children. A child is not forced, under the Act, to attend a school over which a board has control. (Supreme Court of Canada 1986)How this article represents Constitutional LawThis article represents constitutional law because it has to do with equal protection such as freedom of religion and this case is talking about freedom of religion. He was trying to show that schools, in his opinion have no freedom of religion for children. (Supreme Court of Canada 1986) Point of ViewIn my opinion this is an important case because it has to do with a huge concept, freedom of religion, in schools. It shows some different opinions around it and it shows things that can happen. I think that that the person who educated there children in a church basement should win because he is still educating his children, just with freedom of his own religion. I do not think he should of got charged because he was just doing what he thought was best for his children. He wanted to have freedom for religion for his children and did not want them to go to a public school. So in my opinion I do not think he should of been charged with three counts of truancy. (Supreme Court of Canada 1986)

Administrative Law


Administrative LawLaw related to the relationship between people and government departments, boards, and agencies.Article SummaryEmployers operating nursing homes and were subject to the Pay Equity Act. After this act went through, all the women working in nursing homes and other female generated job were supposed to be paid equally. The respondents subsequently observed changes in the appellants' workplaces suggesting that the value of the work had increased and that wage gaps between the appellants' employees and employees of the proxy had re-emerged. They found some were paid more than others, not by a lot, but it still sparked anger, because they worked on everyone being paid equally for a long time. (Ontario Reports 2021)How this article represents Administrative LawThis article represents administrative law because the agencies under this type of law determine rules with people and the higher up. It also covers procedures you must follow to keep things in place. This case is a good example because it shows that people can work with certain boards to get what they want. (Ontario Reports 2021) Point of ViewIn my opinion I think this is an important case because it shows what people will do to get what they want, it also shows that if you do not give up you can make a change. I think those who are fighting for equal pay should win because they have a great point that the people in the same job should be paid the same no matter what. I think that the people who are not giving equal pay to their employees should get punished because everyone in the same job should get the exact same pay. (Ontario Reports 2021)

Criminal Law


Criminal LawLaw that identifies crimes and prescribes punishment.Article SummaryRolf Arthur Droste planned to kill his wife but in carrying out his plan, he killed his two young children instead. He could be convicted of the first degree murder of his children if the jury were satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt. He ended up spending jail time and was flooded with charges for first degree murder. (Supreme Court of Canada 1984)How this article represents Criminal LawThe article represents criminal law because it has to do with first degree murder and Rolf got severely punished for the crime he did. (Supreme Court of Canada 1984)Point of ViewThis is an important case because it shows the awful things a person can do, and the sad thing is, that these cases happen a lot. Rolf, who murdered his two young children deserves all the punishment because the young children did nothing wrong. In my opinion I think all the punishments that Rolf got were fair for the horrific thing he did. He deserves the jail time and the charges he is getting. (Supreme Court of Canada 1984)

Private Law


Private LawLaw governing the relationships between private individuals, between individuals and organizations, and between organizations; also known as civil law.

Tort Law


Tort LawThe branch of civil law that holds persons or private organizations responsible for damage they cause another person as a result of accidental or deliberate action.Article SummaryStephen Joseph McCraw was accused of threats, sexual assault threats, and accused of writing letters to football cheerleaders threatening to have sexual intercourse with them even if he had to sexually assault them. (McCraw,1991)How this article represents Tort LawThis article represents tort law because tort law has to do with anything that can cause physical or mental damage, this can have to do with assault, battery, etc. This could of caused a lot of mental or physical damage on these young cheerleaders. (McCraw,1991)Point of ViewI think this is an important case because it shows how scary things like this can be, and it shows that people will send threats to other people, and it shows that you should seek action if you get a threat. I think the football cheerleaders should win the case because they got threats of sexual assault towards them, the person that sent the threats should be the guilty one. I think the punishments that Joseph got were fair, he deserved charges for the threats he sent to the poor football cheerleaders. (McCraw,1991)

Contract Law


Contract LawThe branch of civil law that provides rules regarding agreements between people and businesses.Article SummaryThe government applied the Emergencies Act and put it into action until further notice. The government orders under the Emergencies Act allow banks to freeze the accounts of people suspected of sending money to protestors who camped out downtown Ottawa for three weeks. They are hoping that while doing all of this, the protests will come to an end. (Toronto Star 2022)How this article represents Contract LawThis article represents contract law because a lot of people had to agree for the Emergencies Act to come in place. It was overall agreement between people. (Toronto Star 2022)Point of ViewIn my opinion I think this is an important case because it shows that it takes more than one person to put an act across. It took an agreement to pass the Emergencies Act and put it into place. I think that the Emergencies Act will help them clear out the protestors and help clear all the blockades. I think they could of stopped protesting when they got asked to instead of all of this going this far, it could of been resolved easier if they listened in the first place. (Toronto Star 2022)

Family Law


Family LawThe branch of civil law that deals with various aspects of family life.Article SummaryMr. Medina and his wife had a child, Mr. Medina who was the father of the child and his child was abducted by his wife and he wants his child to be returned. The abduction took place on October 25th, 1980. (Medina 2010)How this article represents Family LawThis article represents family law because the mother of the child abducted Mr. Medina's, the fathers child. Even though they both are the parents, she just up and left with the child and overall abducted the poor child. (Medina 2010)Point of ViewThis is an important case because it shows how abduction can happen, even when it comes to a mother abducting there own child. I think the father should win the case and get custody of his child because he did not do anything wrong, he got his child taken. I think in the first place the mother should have went to court instead of abducting the child because she could of got full custody in court instead of taking things into her own hands. In my opinion I think that she should lose custody of her child because she decided to abduct the child. I also think she should get charged for this. (Medina 2010)

Wills and Estates


Wills and EstatesWritten instructions for the distribution of property and possessions after death.Article SummaryThe children seek to set aside a testamentary gift made by their mother. The children argue that the will was made in suspicious circumstances and that the gift was the result of undue influence or duress. There was no will saying that the children can take the gift made by their mother. There were also suspicious circumstances around the will. (Woods 2013)How this article represents Wills and EstatesThis article represents wills and estates because it has to do with some ones will, and the suspicious acts around the will and how the children want the gift made by their mother. (Woods 2013)Point of ViewIn my opinion I think this is an important case because it shows how wills come into action when someone passes away and how stuff is distributed if its in the will. In my opinion I think the kids should just get the gift made by the mother and the suspicious circumstances should be further looked into. When they started talking about Harold the children said the mother was nervous around him. Harold unduly influenced their mother into leaving a life estate in Lot A to him with a gift over to the defendant. In my opinion I think Harold should get in trouble for heavily influencing the mother to leave a life estate for him. (Woods 2013)

Property Law


Property LawThe branch of civil law that governs ownership rights in property.Article SummaryIn 1929, the creation of electrical power for Winnipeg Manitoba resulted in the destruction of a lot of land, livelihood and community for the nearby Indigenous group. The steady flooding of Lac Seul caused catastrophic damage to the Lac Seul First Nations group. A lot of there best land was now flooded over for good. Roger Southwind filed a civil claim for himself and on behalf of the Lac Seul First Nations group. (MOHAN 2021)How this article represents Property LawThis article represents property law because it has to do with ownership of certain property and or certain land and some of it is getting taken away, even when knowing the consequences. The Lac Seul First Nations group owned part of the land, but the part they owned got flooded, therefore taking away their land and property. (MOHAN 2021) Point of ViewIn my opinion this is an important case because it shows how property and land can be taken away so easily and the people who are taking it do not really care, unless they are put on the spot for it. I think that Roger Southwind, the man who brought up the problem on behalf of the Lac Seul First Nations group. The Lac Seul deserve to get some of there land back from the flooding and or new land. I think that those who caused the flooding on their land should get in trouble and Lac Seul First Nations group should be rewarded new or more land. (MOHAN 2021)

Employement Law


Employment LawThe branch of civil law that governs employer-employee relationships.Article SummaryRobert Langille had a history of alcoholism, he was terminated by an employer on September 24th, 2019. He had many absences and was finally terminated from his job. The reason why he had so many absences was because he suffered from alcoholism, but never let any of his employees know about this. (UNIFOR 2020)How this article represents Employment LawThis article represents employment law because it has to do with two employees, one that was terminated, and one that terminated the other. The employee who terminated the other one had good reasons, he barely showed up. (UNIFOR 2020) Point of ViewI think this is an important case because it shows the consequences that might occur if you do not pull your own weight in a job and it also shows the consequences of alcoholism. In my opinion I think the employee that did the terminating should win, but they should give the other employee that was terminated another chance. They should just apply extra rules and see if the terminated employee can live back up to them. In order to keep his job Mr. Langille must maintain regular attendance at work; namely attending work when scheduled, on time and without leaving early. I think giving him a second chance was fair, and watching him more closely is fair too. (UNIFOR 2020)

Procedural Law


Procedural LawLaw that prescribes the methods of enforcing the rights and obligations of substantive law.



ReferencesMcCraw, R. v. (1991). R. v. McCraw, 1991 CanLII 29 (SCC), [1991] 3 SCR 72. Retrieved from Canlii: v. Pallett, 2010 BCSC 259 (CanLII), <>MOHAN, H. (2021, October 20). Southwind v Canada: Assessing Equitable Compensation for Taken Indigenous Land. Retrieved from the Reports. (2021, March 9). Ontario Nurses' Association v. Participating Nursing Homes. Retrieved from Canlii: Court of Canada. (1986, October 9). Supreme Court Judgements. Retrieved from Supreme Court of Canada: Court of Canada. (1984, March 2). Supreme Court Judgements. Retrieved from Supreme Court of Canada: Star. (2022, February 21). Today’s coronavirus news: NDP confirms support, ensures Emergencies Act will pass tonight. Retrieved from Toronto Star:, Local 823 v K + S Windsor Salt Ltd (Pugwash Facility, Nova Scotia), 2020 CanLII 90475 (NS LA), <>Woods v. Woods Estate, 2013 BCSC 1030 (CanLII), <>,

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