Video games - Mind Map

Video games

Concerns about video games


Not focused on anything else

Lack of being social

Spends all time playing and not doing their work


Impact on friends and family

Very shy

Doesn't talk to family

It will become very hard for them to talk to others


Mental health

Reduced growth of the brain

Reduced interest in other activities

Loss of will to learn more and instead play video games

Physical health

Will become very fat

Lazy : doesn't get enough physical exercise

Eats lots of junk food and not heallthy food


Increased aggression

Encourage violence

What goes into the making of a video game

Different professions


They design the look of the game from the inside.


They decide the plot of the game.

Game designers

They decide the concepts, characters, setting, story, and game play of the game.

Computer programmers

They make everything possible.

Software developers

They make everything possible.

Audio engineers

They produce the music and sound effects of the characters and game.


They take the game and translate it to the language that the producers tell them to.

Video game testors

They play the game to spot ideas to improve the game.


They are in charge of advertising and selling the game.


They are the ones who are in charge of the entire operation(creation of the video game).

Recommendations for appropriate play

Play games that are for your age

Don't become a couch potato, keep on socializing with people in person.

Continue to eat healthy and on time

Don't stay indoors, go outside for physical activities.

Advantages to video games

Improved hand eye coordination

Produces better surgeons

Able to make precise cuts and insersions

Better at games with hand eye coordination like Table Tennis

Better memory

Remember small details

In game

Remember game rules

Remember game instructions

Remember game controls

Problem solving and thinking on the spot

Think of solutions to problems right away

Able to see little details better

Scientifically proven to help with lazy eye

Able to spot little flaws in design like color shades

Higher concentration

Focus without getting distracted

Can improve your ability to concentrate on work

Improves multitasking

Process lots of information at a fast rate


Less stress

The business of video games

It is the fastest growing entertainment industry

Lots of money, second only to music

Career planning

Advertising focused on targeted audiences

Different genre's so you can make any type of game that you think people will like.

Lots of experience with every aspect of the gaming industry.




Software Design and engineering


Gender stereotypical games




Shooter games



Make up and fashion

Sexism : Women viewed inappropriately

Inappropriate costumes and clothing

Gender stereotypes

Men fighting instead of women

Man saving the helpless princess

LGBTQ+ Representation

First nations

Understanding the Rating System


Rating Pending


Adults only

Teens, 13+


Everyone must be 10+

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