
Married Couples


Two individuals of the same gender

homosexual Marrige


Marriges in which both parents persue occupational careers

Married couples



Many couples that can't have kids choose to adopt children in the Us or even from different countries to bring peace to there minds and souls because of the lack to produce children.


Planned ParentHood

A philosophic framework central to the development of contraceptive methods, contraceptive counseling, and family planning programs and clinics. Advocates hold that each woman has the right to decide when to conceive and bear children and that contraceptive and gynecologic care and information should be available to help her become, or prevent becoming, pregnant. See also contraception.

Main topic

Different types of Relationships


Marriage can be advantageous. Married people tend toward healthier and happier lives than their never-married, divorced, and widowed counterparts.


riends play an important role in the lives of young adults. Most human relationships, including casual acquaintances, are nonloving in that they do not involve true passion, commitment, or intimacy.

Single Hood

Today many people are choosing singlehood, or the “single lifestyle.” Regardless of their reasons for not marrying, many singles clearly lead satisfying and rewarding lives.


Cohabitors are unmarried people who live together and have sex together. More than 3 million Americans cohabitate.


When significant problems in a relationship arise, some couples decide on divorce, or the legal termination of a marriage.