Offering and asking for help - Mind Map

Asking for Help

- Can you help me...?
- Could you/Would you ...?
- Could you give me a hand, please?
- Could you do me a favour, please?
- Would you mind helping me out?
- Can you give me a hand with this?
- Could you help me for a second?
- I wonder if you could help me with this?
- I can't manage this! Can you help?

TASK>Write as many polite requests as you can.

Refusing to give a help

- I'm afraid I can't
- I'm sorry, I don't have time
- Not now, I'm busy
- Sorry, I can't
- I would love to, but I can't. Because

Giving a help

- Certainly
- With pleasure
- No problem
- Sure
- Ok
- Of course

Offering help

- May I help you?
- Can I help you?
- Do you need some help?
- What can I do for you?
- Need some help?
- Would you like some help?
- May I offer some assistance?


- Yes, please.
- If you wouldn't mind.
- I'm fine, thanks/thank you.
- That's very kind of you
- Just like what I needed

Refusing an offer of help

- No, thank you for offering
- No, really, I can manage
- No, don't bother, really
- Don’t worry, I’ll do it myself.
- It’s OK. I can do it myself.

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Kattintson ide a térkép középre állításához