Timeline Machine
learning Engineer

Business competition Igen 2024

Winner gets 10k$

Working under egineer at golf course
from 2023-2025

Michaelbrook golf course

Application to Unis

Apply to UBC engineering and business program

Apply to UVIC engineering and

Application dealine varies but UBC is jan 31st.

YOG 2025

Double Dogwood requirements met

Required Courses Taken(English 12, indigenous
studies, etc.)

Arrive at university

Real Estate Job in Uni

Apply to jobs online

Machine learning project

Probably portfolio/game

Internship over summer

Big tech company

Volunteering in studies

Fulltime school and another project

Continuing internships, studying volunteering, until I graduate with a computer engineering degree (most likely YOG will be 2029).

Applying to entry level jobs

Data anlyst, paid intern, etc.

Work for 2 years at entry level

Build connections/ good referral

Find job specifically in machine learning

Start putting money into my pension

Build up personal wealth (hopefully 1m by 28).

Saving for enough to support
my own engineering firm

Enroll in community college business class

Start engineering firm

Loans, investments, partner(s), parents maybe

Grow firm to a level where i Can be on forbes

Semi-Retire by 50 (Will probably work as a soccer ref for fun)