Mary Shelley - Mind Map

Mary Shelley


Birth and Death

Born on Aug 30,1797

Died on Feb 1, 1851

Brain Tumor


Her mother died days after her birth

She was raised by her single father

Caroline falling under the care of Alphonse

Limited childhood

Fathers remarriage

Poor relationship with her step-mother

Dysfunctional Family

Banished from family

Similar to Life of Justine

Abandoned by family


Her father was a philosopher

Highly regarded among famous writers

Her mother was a well-known feminist philosopher

Family of intellectuals


Inspired Mary on her journey to
become an author due to her
philosophical environment


Sister's Suicide

Death of Mother

Death of Percy Shelley

Death of Children

Gothic Literature

Mary commonly wrote
about Gothic Literature

Her work featured

Terrifying descriptions

Catholics as criminal

Acts of heroism persecuted by terror

Mysterious plots

Gloomy settings

Frankenstein Connections

Tragedy with Mother

After her mother's death, her father took care of Shelley

Victor's father takes care of him after Caroline dies

Tragedy at Birth

Mary Wollstonecraft moms giving birth to Mary

Elizabeth’s mothers dies in attempt to birth to her

Never received a formal education

Robert Walton never receiving an education

Romanticism within her Life

She fell in love with Percy Bysshe

Ran away with him to France
knowing he was married

Mary and Percy had a child

However, their child died
a few days after birth

Second child dies to disease

Represents the death of William

Has a healthy child

Represent the survivor with the family

Traveled different regions


Thought of creating

Geneva would be a setting
within the story

Suffered Impoverishment

Famine and Epidemics

During the year 1816

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