Physical Science


All information presented in this Mindmap are taken from "Science: The Diamond Addition" by Scott Foresman, 2008, Pearson Education, Inc. Unit C: Physical Science.

Properties of Matter


Minnesota Academic Standards in Science: Objects have observable properties that can be measured.This is the introductory lesson to the unit plan. Students will build basic knowledge of matter and use this knowledge to be successful in upcoming lessons.

What is Matter?


All forms of matter are made up of tiny particles that are too small to see. The way these particles are arranged and move determine whether the matter is a solid, liquid, or gas.






"Energy is the ability ot cause change or do work. Heat is the total energy of moving particles in matter. The more particles something has, the more internal energy it contains" (Foresman, 2008).This chapter in Physical Science focuses on heat energy. Prior knowledge of matter will help students understand that heat causes matter to move. Conduction, insulation and convection are discussed within this lesson. Students will also learn about radiant energy and how that contributes to heat energy.

How does heat move?




Electricity and Magnetism


"You dash across a carpet and touch a netal doorknob. OUCH! A jolt of static electricity and a small spark startle you. "To understand what happened, start with atoms, the tiny building blocks of everything" (Foresman, 2008).Students will be introduced to atoms and electical charges. These lessons will challenge students to explore electricity and the sources for generating power. The unit plan will conclude with a cooperative lesson plan that incorporates lightening, power, and generating electricity.

Static Electricity


Magnetic Fields