AS Light Meets Matter: Art Under Scrutiny

No Conclusion

Why Original?

Art Historian:Dr.Marden

It has many of the visual elements as another Cezanne painting

The fine structure of the brushwork is indistinguishable from other Cezanne painting


X-Ray Fluorescence:The elemental composition of the painting matches the composition of the pigments used during Cezanne's lifespan


UV: The dark green and orange areas in the painting show brighter fluorescence than the rest of the painting,just like other Cezanne paintings

Edgar Collins

A wealthy collector of fine art

He donated Artwork to museums all over the world

Interested in Finding undiscovered work

Discovered a New Van Gogh in 1992

Why Fake?


UltraViolet Spectrum (UV): the absorption of the polyenes is 0.6, while a century old painting should have an absorption of 0.15


Infrared Spectroscopy(IR): The cadmium Yellow Lithopone pigment is found in the painting, while this pigment wasn't widely used until 1927

Fake Or Not?

Put under investigation!!