My Careers


Characteristics: Communication skills, compassion, detail oriented, dexterity, leadership skills, patience, physical stamina, problem-solving skills.

Personality Survey: In the personality survey I learned that I am an ISTJ, the Inspector. As an inspector I am good with information, and tend to collect and present information in a clear and orderly way that is easy to understand, making me a good communicator. This is crucial as surgeons need to be excellent communicators. I must be able to communicate effectively with their patients and other healthcare staff.

True Colours: In my true colours survey I learned that I am the colour green. As the colour green I am great at problem solving and am cool-headed. These are useful traits to have as a surgeon. Surgeons need to have problem-solving skills to be able to evaluate patients' symptoms and administer the appropriate treatments. Surgeons also need to have patience as they may need to work for long periods with patients who need special attention. Children and adult patients who fear medical treatment may need more patience.

Motivations Survey: In my motivation survey I learned that my top motivation is achievement. Achievers are motivated by the opportunity to fully engage the use of their unique skills, knowledge and abilities. This motivation factor can be important to surgeons. When driven by achievement, I look for ways to feel like I've done something, like checking something off my to-do list every day or saving the environment. Each patient that I help who needs treatment, will be an achievement. I am constantly being rewarded by saving other lives of other patients.


Characteristics: Communication skills, compassion,detail oriented, dexterity, leadership skills, organizational skills, patience, physical stamina, problem-solving skills.

Personality Survey: In the personality survey I learned that I am an ISTJ, the Inspector. As an inspector I tend to be organized, like to plan everything ahead, and prefer routine. Being detail oriented is an important skill to have as a neurologist. Neurologists must ensure that patients are receiving appropriate treatment and medications. They must also monitor and record various pieces of information.

True Colours: In my true colours survey I learned that I am the colour green. As the colour green I am a perfectionist and am very self-assured. These skills be useful when being neurologist. Being a perfectionist is essential because neurologists need to be detail-oriented as they must ensure that patients are receiving appropriate treatment and medications. They also must monitor and record various pieces of information related to patient care.

Motivations Survey: In my motivation survey I learned that my top motivation is achievement. Achievers are motivated by the opportunity to fully engage the use of their unique skills, knowledge and abilities. This motivation factor can be important to neurologists. When driven by achievement, I look for ways to feel like I've done something, like checking something off my to-do list every day or saving the environment. Achievement is a crucial motivation in being a neurologists. As a neurologist, I can use my achievement as motivation. For each patient I treat who is sick or injured, I get a rush of achievement. I feel happy that I got to help someone in need, and at the same time, I feel motivated to help all my other patients. Achievement requires effort but the completion of knowing I have helped my patients, will make the effort worth it.


Characteristics: Analytical skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, curiosity, interpersonal skills, math skills, problem-solving skills.

Personality Survey: In the personality survey I learned that I am an ISTJ, the Inspector. As an inspector I prefer to work independently and tend to feel more at ease when alone or in a small group. I am drivin and good at accomplishing what I put my mind to. Self-discipline can be a useful skill in being an astronomer. Astronomers spend a lot of time working alone and need to be able to stay motivated as well as well as accurate in their work.

True Colours: In my true colours survey I learned that I am the colour green. As the colour green I have great logical thinking skills and I tend to be curious. Critical-thinking skills are important as astronomers must carefully evaluate their own work and the work of others. They must determine whether results and conclusions are based on sound science. Curiosity can also be significant as astronomers work in fields that are always on the cutting end of technology. They must be very keen to continuously learn for their career. In-depth knowledge must be gained on a big range of technical subjects, from computer programming to particle colliders.

Motivations Survey: In my motivation survey I learned that my top motivation is achievement. Achievers are motivated by the opportunity to fully engage the use of their unique skills, knowledge and abilities. This motivation factor can be important to an astronomer. When driven by achievement, I look for ways to feel like I've done something, like checking something off my to-do list every day or saving the environment. As an astronomer I am constantly working with others towards a certain goal. Once my goals have been completed, I feel a sense of achievement. Achievement can also be found through observations and research I find. Achievement motivation will help me stay motivated and be accurate in my work.


Characteristics: Communication skills, detail oriented, dexterity, leadership skills, organizational skills, patience, physical stamina, problem-solving skills.

Personality Survey: In the personality survey I learned that I am an ISTJ, the Inspector. As an inspector I am more concerned that everyone gets their part done, rather than being concerned that everyone gets along. I tend to see things as being "black and white" and am likely to be perceived as being opinionated. Leadership skills can be very significant in being a dentist. Most dentists work at their own practice. This requires them to manage and lead a team of staff.

True Colours: In my true colours survey I learned that I am the colour green. As the colour green I am cool-headed and great at problem solving. As a dentist, two very important skills are patience and problem-solving skills. Dentists may work for long periods of time with patients who need special attention. Children and patients with a fear of dental work may require a lot of patience. Also, dentists need strong problem-solving skills. They must evaluate patients' symptoms and chose the appropriate treatments.

Motivations Survey: In my motivation survey I learned that my top motivation is achievement. Achievers are motivated by the opportunity to fully engage the use of their unique skills, knowledge and abilities. This motivation factor can be important to a dentist. When driven by achievement, I look for ways to feel like I've done something, like checking something off my to-do list every day or saving the environment. Being a dentist allows me to put my talents into play and allows me to feel like I've accomplished something in a short period of time. The more patients I have, the more satisfaction I have that I have helped someone. The achievement I will get will benefit me as I feel rewarded that I have made someone's life easier, and the patient will be happy to have the medical attention that they need.
