Historical Inquiry Concepts
Tia Kawar & the world


Continuity and change: leaving Jordan, loved ones, and my home, made a very big impact on my life because it would have been the first time in 5 years that I wouldn't be able to spend holidays and weekends with my family. Although

Moving to Canada - August 17 2015

Leaving Jordan, loved ones, and my home, made a very big impact on my life because it would have been the first time in 5 years that I wouldn't be able to spend holidays and weekends with my family. Jordan is where I have spent most of my childhood, and I was devastated that I was moving. I had made a lot of memories with friends and family in places like the dead sea and Aquaba.

Continuity and change: Moving changed my life what seemed completely but in reality much remained the same. In Jordan to live in a house with 3 floors you would have to be a millionaire, so instead you would live in a big apartment in a building. In Canada, you don't have to be a millionaire to live in a 3 level house. The school that I went to had a more challenging curriculum than Canada does, but I continue to attend school.

Facebook was launched - February 4 2004

I have had a facebook account since grade 5, but not for the reasons I use it now. Back then I would only use facebook to play games. Now I use facebook to watch cooking videos, funny fail videos, life hack videos and read a lot of jokes from it.

Significance: Facebook is very important to me because not only can I watch entertaining videos and read jokes from it, but it allows me to keep in touch with my family and friends in Jordan, Dubai, Lebanon and etc. It also keeps me updated on everything that's going on around the world. Instead on having to watch the news to get your information facebook is faster way, because you can search what you're looking for instead of having to listen for a long time on the news to get what you're looking for

Brothers being born - September 17 2007

Monday September 17 2007 at 11:06 PM my brothers were born. My family was no longer a house of 4 but of 6. My brothers are a big part of my life now, they always make me smile even when I don't want to. With twin brothers you get double the laughs, double the grins, double the trouble and most importantly double the fun.

Perspective: I always thought that having younger siblings would be the worst thing in the world, you would have to change diapers, babysit,and try your best not to yell at them because you'd end up getting in trouble. Since Johnny and Simon were born my perspective changed. Sure I had to do all those things, yes they are so annoying that they make me want to rip my hair off my head but without them my life would have a hole. My brothers are one of the best things that have ever happened to me. They make me look good in front of my parents, they defend me, and despite the age difference they are still protective. I would never ask for any better.

Syrian civil war - March 15 2011

On march 15 2011, Syria was invaded and attacked by ISIS. Syria was a beautiful country, but there were a lot of disagreements on weather or not president Bashar Al- Assad should still rule. The people that said yes he should still rule were ordered to kill anyone who is protesting, and that is when it all started.

Cause and consequence: In the result of the killing of people protesting, this became into a war. The rebels started to call themselves ISIS and not only did they take over most of Syria but Iraq aswell. The terrorists attacked other countries like France, Pakistan, Indonesia and 14 other countries. This disagreement caused a lot of problems and the consequences did not only affect themselves but the surrounding countries as well.