DNA Structure
In ecosystem
In ecosystem
example: cholesterol
provide structure in plants in cell wall
serve as fuel and building material

Unit 1



Three Types of Isomers

Structural Isomers: differ in the covalent arrangement of their atoms

Geometric Isomers

Cis Isomer: same side

Trans Isomer: opposite side

Enantiomers: mirror images of one another

Sugars and polymers of sugars

Monosaccharides: simplest sugars; made of C, H, OH, and CO groups

Ketoses: CO group is in the middle of the chain

Aldoses: CO groups at the middle of the chain

Disaccharide: formed when a dehydration reaction joins two monosaccharides

Glycosidic Linkage: formed through covalent bond

Polysacchrides: formed when 100 or more monosaccharides are bonded together through glycosidic linkages





made of beta-Glucose; no branching; insoluble fiber




made of glycerol and three fatty acids

compact way for animals to carry their energy stores with them

connected through ester linkage

Ester Linkages: connects each fatty acid to an OH in glycerol

can contain one tupe of different types of fatty acids


solid at room temp

found in animal sources

no double covalent bonds between carbons; saturated with hydrogen atoms

increased incidence of cardiovascular disease


come from plant sources

liquid at room temp

one or more double covalent bonds are found within carbon chain; do not have hydrogen atoms at every position

Cis: presence of double bonds; slight kinks

Trans: trans fatty acids


four fused rings

HDL: high density lipoprotein or "good cholesterol"

LDL: low density protein or "bad cholesterol

increased by saturated fats and trans fat

Nucleic Acids

Deoxyribonuleic Acid (DNA)

provides directions for its own replication

directs synthesis of messenger RNA and control protein synthesis (gene expression)

transcription: information in the DNA is used to make mRNA

translation:information from the mRNA is used to make proteins

A, G, C, T

doubled stranded

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)



polymers made of monomers Nucleotides

5 carbon sugar


nitrogenous base

purines: A, G

pyrimidines: C, T(U in RNA)


does not have a phosphate group

connected through phosphodiester bonds/linkages through condensation/dehydration reactions


made of monomers called amino acids

has a central cabron surrounded by amino, carboxyl, hydrogen, and R group

made of main chain and side chain

four types of basic groups


contains OH, SH, or NH groups


contains H, CH, or carbon ring; hydrophobic

Acidic (-)

Basic (+)

Chemical Bonds

Molecular Function

Size and Shape are key to function.


Covalent Bonds



Electronegativity Differences (Greater differences give more polar bonds)

Ionic Bonds

Crystalline Structures (Salts)



Hydrogen Bonds

Strong Dipole-Dipole Interactions between H and O, F, or N (Partial Positive H with Partial Negative O, F, N).

Ion-Dipole Interactions

Hydrophobic Interactions

van der Waals Interactions

Water Properties

Properties of Water

Cohesive Behavior

High Surface Tension

Water Transport in Plants

High Specific Heat

Temperature Moderation

High Heat of Vaporization

Evaporative Cooling

Expansion Upon Freezing

Most Dense at 4 Degrees Celsius

Stable Hydrogen Bonds; Ordered

Less Dense as a Solid

Floats on Water; Insulation of Ice for Waters Below

Universal Solvent

Dissolves most substances

Substances in Water

Nonpolar Substances

Water Forms a Cage Around Nonpolar Molecule

Polar Substances

Polar and Ionic Compounds Dissolve in Water


Dissociation into Hydroxide and Hydronium Ions

Bases decrease Hydronium Concentration (More OH- groups).

pH + pOH = 14

Every increase or decrease in pH is a tenfold increase or decrease of the concentration of H+ ions.

Acids increase Hydronium concentration (More H3O+ or H+ groups).

Molecular Structure

Formula: H2O

Bond Angle: 104.5 Degrees

Capacity for Hydrogen Bonds




Lack membrane bound orgenelles


Plasma Membrane



Periplasmic space

Cell wall




Fimbriae, Pili


No membrane-Bound organelles


Cell wall


Histones associated DNA


Circular chromosome

Ether bond in lipids




Membrane-Bound organelles

Animals only


Plants only







Kreb's cycle

Inner membrane

Electron transport chain


Golgi Apparatus


Cell membrane


Energy Flow

Light energy

Photosynthesis in chloroplasts

Organic molecules + O2

Cellular respiration in mitochondria

CO2 + H2O



movement of H+ down the concentration gradient for ATP synthesis

Series of protein complexes that transfer electrons from carriers (NADH or FADH2) to oxygen. They do while while pumping protons across the membrane creating a proton gradient



Series of protein complexes that transfer electrons from carriers (NADH or FADH2) to oxygen. They do while while pumping protons across the membrane creating a proton gradient

Inner membrane

Electron transport chain


Kreb's cycle


Substrate level phosphorylation

Synthetic Reaction

Amino acids to Glucose













movement of H+ down the concentration gradient for ATP synthesis




Carbon fixation


Oxidative Phosphorylation

Isomers: compounds that have the same number of atoms of the same elements but different structures and properties

Unit 2


Chemical Components

Main Components are Lipids and Proteins

Fluid Mosaic Model: describes phospholipids as the fluid component of the membrane while different types of proteins present in this fluid bilayer

Phospholipid Bilayer

Amphipathic: hydrophobic fatty acid tail and hydrophilic head

Hydrophilic head due to prescene of phosphate group

Different Types of Bonds: different types of phospholipids due to fatty acids, group attached to phosphate etc.; primarliy noncovalent

Hydrogen Bonds

Van der Waals

Membrane Fluidity

Each Phospholipid has a Specific Phase Transition Temperature

Above Temp: lipid is liquid crystalline phase & is fluid

Below Temp: lipids is gel phase & is rigid

type of Hydrocarbon tail affects fluidity

More Unsaturated: not tightly packed, movement in the membrane

More Saturated: tightly packed; cannot move as well(viscous)


present in all animal cell membranes


Transport Types

Passive Transport: diffusion of a substance across a membrane with no energy investment

Diffusion: the tendency for molecules of any substance to spread evenly into the avaliable space as a result of thermal motion; high to low concentration

Osmosis: diffusion of free water across a selectively permeable membrane

Facilitated Diffusion: passive transport aided by proteins to help diffuse across the membrane

Carried out by channel and carrier proteins

Channel: provide corridors or channels that allow a specific molecule or ion to cross the membrane

Carrier: undergo a subtle change in the shape that translocates the solute-binding site across the membrane

Active Transport: movement of substances from low to high concentration; maintains a concentration gradient; uses energy

Example Na+/K+ Pump: abundance of Na+ outside the cell & abundance of K+ inside; to even out, goes against the concentration gradient by 3 Na+ transported out the cell and 2 K+ inside the cell

Cotransport: coupled trasnport by a membrane protein

occurs when active transport of a solute indirectly drives transport of other substances

Bulk Transport: large molecules like polysaccharides and proteins, cross the memrbane in bulk by vesicles

Exocytosis: transport vesicles migrate to the membrane, fuse, and release their contents

used in secretory cells to export products

Endocytosis: taking in something inside cells in bulk

Phagocytosis: when a cell engulfs large food particles/other cells by extending part of its membrane out

leads to becoming a food vacuole, digeswted afyer fusing with lysosomes

Pinocytosis: cell takes in extracellular fluid from outside in vesicles

dissolved molecules

Receptor Mediated Endocytosis: specialized endocytosis that enables the cell to acquire bulk quantities of specfic substances

Water Balance: Animal Cells

Hypotonic: solute concentration is greater than that inside the cell

cell gains water; lysed

Isotonic: solute concentation same as inside celll no net water movement

Hypertonic: solute concentration is greater than inside the cell

cell loses water; shriveled

normal state is in a isotonic solution

Membrane Potential

any resulting net movement of + or - charge will generate a membrane potential

forces exerted on movement of K ions of nerve cells through chemical and electrical forces

Ion channels

Ungated: always open

Gated: open and close in response to stimuli

Stretch-gated: "sense stretch"; open when mechanically deformed

Ligand-gated: open/close when neurotransmitter binds to channel

Voltage-gated: open/close to change in membrane potential

Action Potential Graph Components

Depolarization: reduction in the magnitude of the membrane potential

opening of gated Na+ channels; INSIDE LESS NEGATIVE

Hyperpolarization: inside of the cell becomes more negative than resting membrane potential

opening of gated K+ channels; INSIDE MORE NEGATIVE

Repolarization: as the positive charge leaves the cell, inside starts to get less positive

States of the Membrane Potential Cycles

1) Resting State: most Na+ channels closed, and most but not all K+ channels are also closed

2) Depolarization: some Na+ channels open, leading to inflow, depolarizing membrane; if it reaches threshol dvolateg, action potetnial is trigger and fulfilled

3) Rising Phase: K+ channels remain closed; Na+ influx makes inside of membrane positive

4) Falling Phase: Na+ Channels become inactive; K+ channels open, making inside of cell negative again

5) Undershoot: Na+ Channels close; some K+ channels open; returns to resting state with the help of Na+/K+ pump

Electrogenic Pumps: a transport proteins that generates voltage across a membrane protential

helps store energy that can be used for cellular work

-50 to -200 mV

H+ Pump: against concetration gradient; ATP based; + charge leaves cell, slight - charge inside cell and + outside cell, whihc creates a concentration gradient

Water Balance: Plant Cells

normal state is hypotonic solution, cell is turgid(firm)

Isotonic: there is no net movement, causing the cell to become flaccid(limp)

Hypertonic: cell loses water; plasmolyzed

Energy Flow

Light energy

Photosynthesis in chloroplasts

Organic molecules + O2

Cellular respiration in mitochondria



CO2 + H2O

Calvin Cycle




Light Reactions

Solar to chemical




Cell Signaling/Transduction

Forms of Cell Communication

Physical Contact

Signal Release

Types of Signal Release

Local Signaling

Long-Distance Signaling

Signal Reception

Binding of a Signal to a Receptor Protein


Ex: Aldosterone


Membrane Receptors

Signal Molecule is Hydrophilic (Charged/Polar); cannot cross a membrane on its own.

First Messenger: Receptor that Receives a hydrophilic signal in the membrane.

Second Messenger: Another molecule that helps the message travel inside the cell

G-Protein Coupled Receptor


Guanosine (Di/Tri)-phosphate (GDP/GTP)

GTP: Activates G-Protein

GDP: Deactivates G-Protein

Tyrosine Kinase Receptor

Ion Channel Receptor

Intracellular Receptors

Signal Molecule is Nonpolar/Hydrophobic and Small; can cross the membrane on its own.

Steroid Hormone Interaction

Receptor Protein Activated by Binding to Hormone (Ex: Aldosterone)

Activated Hormone-Receptor Complex moves into the Nucleus and activates genes controlling Sodium and Water Flow

Transcription Factor

Stages of Signaling

1. Reception
2. Transduction
3. Response

Signal Transduction


Tonicity: the ability of a surroudning solution to case a cell to gain or lose water; generalization

Osmoregulation: the control of solute concentrations and water balance is necessary adaption for life in such environments


Made of repeating units of alpha glucose connected through 1-4 glycosdic linkages; digestable

Amylose: no branching

Amylopectin: branching

Unit 3




Sugar: Deoxyribose (pentose sugar with a missing oxygen atom at the 2' position compared to Ribose in RNA)

Phosphate Group: Linked to the 5' carbon of the sugar.

Nitrogenous Base: Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and Thymine (T). These nitrogenous bases form the genetic code.


Phosphodiester Bonds: Covalent bonds between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the 3' hydroxyl group of the next nucleotide, forming the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA.

Hydrogen Bonds: Weak bonds between complementary nitrogenous bases (A-T and G-C) that hold the two strands together in a double helix structure.



Sugar: Ribose (pentose sugar with an OH group at the 2' position)

Nitrogenous Base: Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and Uracil (U) replaces Thymine in RNA.

Phosphate Group: Linked to the 5' carbon of the sugar.


Phosphodiester Bonds: Similar to DNA, forming the sugar-phosphate backbone.

Hydrogen Bonds: Similar to DNA, but can form with Adenine-Uracil pairs in addition to A-T and G-C

DNA Replication

A semi conservative process that depends on the complimentary base pairs.

Continuous on the leading strand and discontinuous on the lagging strand.

Occurs during the S-phase of Interphase

Helicase unwinds the double helix separating different strands of DNA. Breaking the Hydrogen bonds between the two strands.

Single stranded binding proteins keep the
seperated strands apart so that nucleotides
can bind

DNA gyrase moves in advance of helicase
and relieves strain and prevents the DNA
supercoiling again

Each strand of parent DNA is used as
template for the synthesis of the new strands. Synthesis always occurs in 5'-> 3' direction on each new strand.

Leads to formation of okasaki fragments

To synthesise a new strand first an RNA
primer is synthesized on the parent DNA
using RNA primase

Next DNA polymerase III adds the
nucleotides (to the 3' end) added according to the complementary base pairing rules;
adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine.

Nucleotides added are in the form of as
deoxynucleoside triphosphate. Two
phosphate groups are released from each
nucleotide and the energy is used to join the nucleotides in to a growing DNA chain.

DNA polymerase I then removes the RNA
primers and replaces them with DNA

DNA ligase next joins Okazaki fragments on
the lagging strand. Because each new DNA molecule contains
both a parent and newly synthesized strand
DNA replication is said to be semiconservative.

Prokaryotes: DNA Polymerase III is the main enzyme.
Eukaryotes: Multiple DNA polymerases exist (DNA Polymerase δ for leading strand, DNA Polymerase ε for lagging strand)

Endomembrane System

Transcription and gene expression

Gene expression


Proteins that enhance transcription by binding to enhancer regions


Protein that inhibits transcription by binding to DNA


Regulatory sequences that increase transcription rate


Sequences where RNA polymerase binds to a initiate sequence on DNA


Genetic Information

RNA polymerase synthesizes RNA

DNA is a template for RNA synthesis

Pre-mRNA processes into mature mRNA




RNA polymerase reaches termination and mRNA transcript is released

RNA polymerase moves along DNA template synthesizing RNA (5’ TO 3’)

RNA polymerase binds to promoter