Recreational marijuana use is Legalized at the federal level

Second Hand Smoke

Inhaling of marijuana smoke from the environment from nonsmokers

Health Risks

Lung cancer

Heart Disease

Lung Disease

Possible Addicition

One in 10 long term users display some level of dependency

Going cold turkey can cause anxiety and irritability

Lung Health

Higher risk of Lung Cancer

Increased chances of Bronchitis

Increased chances of lung irritation

Impaired Driving

No reliable test available to see if someone is under the influence of marijuana while driving

Current tests, test for marijuana in the system

Marijuana can remain in the system for multiple weeks

More Accidents


Marijuana is the biggest selling agricultural product

estimated $8 billion would be saved from enforcing cannabis prohibition.

Job Creation

Marijuana industry is expected to create more then a quarter million jobs

Possible Jobs



Cultivation sector

Free up Law Enforcements Time

In 2016 alone 1600 people a day were arrested for simply possessing marijuana

Legalizing marijuana means no more stops, arrests and tickets for those smoking marijuana taking valuable time away from law enforcement

Allows courts to focus on prosecuting more dangerous crimes

Tax Benefits

Tax refunds coming from the tax of marijuana

Put money from taxes towards underfunded programs

Ability to tax marijuana and use the money to pay off debts

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