Phan Thi Kim Phuc



Her parents are named Du Ngoc Nu and Phan Thanh Tung. She has 2 children named Stephen Bui and Thomas Bui. She also has 2 brothers named Phan Thanh Tam and Phan Thanh Phouc. Her husband name is Bui Huy Toan.Claire Hills

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she was 9 years old in 1972 when she was photograghed screaming in pain, after the U.S commander ordered South Vietnamese planes to drop naplam near her village.Hailey Bourne

napalm attack


Napalm is a mixture of a gelling agent and gasoline. It was initially used as an incendiary device against buildings and later primarily as an anti-personnel weapon, as it sticks to skin and causes severe burns when on fire.Napalm was first used flamthrowers U.S groud troops they burned down sections of the forest and brushes in hopes of eliminating any enemys.Claire Hills

what we admire about her


we admire that she is a hard working mother of two young boys after everything she has been through she fights throw PTSD and is a really life survivor of the Napalm attack she has her scars but yet still does every thing for her family and god.Hailey Bourne



she has a book called fire roadshe wrote this book to tell her story and how she learned to forgive god about what happened to her and how she took him in her heart. The book starts with the day of the Napalm attack and everything that happened then moves into getting out of there and then her way back to being herself. She talks about her burns and the PTS of after the attack.Hailey Bourne.



Born in 1963 trang bang, south vietnam.She is a south vietnamese- Canadian.Phan Thi Kim Phuc was born in the early 1960s near the village of Trang Bang in South Vietnam's Central Highlands region. Kim Phuc's family and other members of the Trang Bang community were farmers who led a simple existence. But during Kim Phuc's early childhood, war engulfed the Central Highlands and all of South Vietnam.Claire Hills.



After she was hospitalized, Kim Phuc was near death for several days. She then got back some of her strength, and it became clear that she would survive. But the napalm attack still left her horribly disfigured. Her chin had been fused to her chest by scar tissue, and burns covered much of her small body. The pain she suffered was so great that she lost consciousness when nurses washed her wounds. "That is a terrible time for me".Life was difficult for Kim Phuc in the late 1970s and early 1980s. She remained in constant pain because of her injuries, and like many other Vietnamese people still had the memories. But things got better 1980s. Hailey Bourne.

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