

When fields are being fertilized, the chemicals farmers use are being washed away by rain and into the groundwater or any other surface nearby.

Which can also affect ecologically involving fish, birds, mammals, and people.


The process of crushing rocks and obtaining coal and minerals from underground contain very harmful chemicals inside.

It can increase the amount of toxic elements and can result in health problems

Results in "Acid Mine Drainage"

Pollution hazards that can contaminate

Soil surrounding it


Surface of water

Primary sources are Sulfide minerals which decomposes in the air and water.

Becomes acidified to a pH level of around 2 or 3.

If the acidity increases in the water, it can destroy living organisms.

Global Warming

An increase in Earth's temperature due to the Greenhouse Effect.

Increases the water temperature and results in death to

Marine species

Aquatic animals

The rise of the temperature of the water is caused by Global Warming

Which causes heat from the sun to rise global temperatures in Earth's atmosphere.

Burning Fossil Fuels

When coal and oil are burnt, they produce a large amount of ash into the atmosphere.

They have particles that carry toxic chemicals when mixed with water vapor

Eventually results to Acid Rain.

When they burn, gases are released into the air and reaches into soil and groundwater.

Main topic




30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture.

Fertilizers, manure, waste and ammonia turns into nitrate - reduces oxygen in water

aquatic animals are put at risk

Caused by: soil run off, sedimentation, disposal of sewage, chemicals, pesticides

Nuclear Power Plants

Large quantities of seawater are needed to cool down nuclear waste

Power plants always are located near large bodies of water

petroleum companies

oil run off into water bodies

prevents sunlight to pass through water

substance is so toxic it can cause a massive loss of species.

Oil spills make up about 12% of the oil that enters the ocean

aquatic animals are heavily effected

oil's chemical constituents are poisonous

Alberta pipeline



When fruits is is stripped from the vine or tree, it loses much of its natural hydration. While this does not necessarily doom the produce to a more swift death, it can dry out fruits and vegetables to some extent.

Water affects supply chains, from raw material to consumer.

Misting the produce in the supermarket keeps it hydrated so that it maintains moisture throughout the course of its shelf life. Moisture loss reduces the size and weight of produce, so by keeping the fruits and veggies hydrated, store owners can compensate for this.

whether water is used for human or animal consumption, for processing, or cleaning
 Season: summer brings high irrigation demand, winter brings flooding and freezing

Location: what local supply and demand conditions are  Product: impacts can vary tremendously depending on the type of product Source and quality: both freshwater supply and disposal

Supermarkets have exported fishes from all over the world, therefore people buy fresh fishes or any other seafood from there

Toronto water

Toronto Water held stakeholder consultations in the Spring of 2014. These consultations were used to obtain feedback and comments from the stakeholders before proposing the amendments to the Pollution Prevention Program and subsequent Sewers

Toronto’s drinking water source is Lake Ontario and we need more to protect since water is essential for everything, the wastewater is contaminated with much more than just bacteria from human waste.

Canadas water and wastewater system is under pressure; water and wastewater treatment facilities, sewers, supply lines is severely deteriorating due to public funding

Toronto has a Health Impact Assessment stakeholder group for the highland creek treatment plant which is reviewing technology options to replace their old polluting incinerators in Scarborough

Farmers are having greater impact on water quality because of agriculture and environmental performance


The amount of water used by the food industry is commonly dictated

Water is used as an ingredient and as a cleaning agent for raw ingredients, processing equipment and facilities.

The determination of water content is therefore the most frequent general analysis performed on foodstuffs

It is also used to transfer raw ingredients, particularly in fruit and vegetable processing.

Water pollution is important because the earth is covered with 70% of water. Water is an important resource for the environment, people and animals. Water pollution affects people from drinking it, affects rivers, lakes, and oceans everywhere. It eventually affects people’s health, and the natural environment.  Changes in temperature, rainfall and snowfall can cause water quantities in rivers, lakes to rise and fall throughout the year, resulting in flooding or water shortages. Water quality degradation affects both aquatic life and human uses of water. Degraded water quality can also undermine economic activities such as fisheries, tourism and agriculture

Why is it important?

Sometimes contaminated water is put back in lakes and bodies of water

Power plant waste causes organisms in water to decay faster