A verb that refers to the past time is said to be in past tense

The Past Indenfinite

Action as going on at some point in past

Aux:Did.Did not

Verb in past form

Max ate apples on his weekend

The Past Continuous

Action that was going on at some time in the past

Aux: Was, was not, were and were not

Verb in Ing

They were playing games at school

The Past Perfect

Action that has completed in past before another action started

Aux.Had, Had not

Verb in past participle

The Past Perfect Continuous

Action that finished at some definite time in the past but had been going in before it finished

Aux, Had, had not

Helping verb: been

You had been working here for five years

Team Members

Maximiliano Medina García

Eduardo Núñez A.

Iván Rivera Dueñes

Pablo Hernán Vigueras Sánchez

A verb that refers to the present time is used to be in the present tense

The present simple

Is used to express an action that is happening now

Aux: Do,Does not, Do not

Verb in base form

I play soccer

The Present Continuous

Is used to denote an action that is going on at the time when a statement


Verb in Ing

She is watching movies with friends

The Present Perfect

Is used to denote an action that has just been completd

Aux: Has,have, has not and have not

Verb in paste participle

He hasnt done the homework since last week

The Present Perfect Continuous

Is used to denote an action that started in the past and still going to

Aux: Have, Have not. Has. Has not

Helping verb; Been

She is been cooking

The Future Indefinite

Affirmative sentence Aux. Will/ going to/ won't

She will run next weekend.

Verb in base form

Interrogative sentence Aux. Will

Will you marry me?

The Future Continuos

Affirmative sentence Aux. Will be/ won't be

He will be traveling to Jamaica this year.

Verb in Ing

Interrogative sentence Aux. Will be

Will he have done it by this evening?

The Future Perfect

Affirmative sentence Aux. Will have

I will have received the package by the time the dinner is ready.

Verb in past partciple

Interrogative sentence Aux. Will have

Will I have finished my course by the en of the day?

The Future perfect Continuous

Affirmative sentence Aux. Will have been/ Won't have been

At five o’clock, I will have been waiting for thirty minutes.

Verb in present partciple

Interrogative sentence Aux. Will have been

Will they have been fishing by the ime we arrive?

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