Unit 5 Reactions

Laws of the Universe

Conservation of Matter

Matter cannot be created or destroyed,
it can only change form.

Conservation of Energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed,
it can only change form.


All system tend towards a state of maximum disorder.

Whitemans always right (sike.)

Not all the time

Use of Oxidation Numbers


Should Knows:Should Dos:

Group | Oxidation#
1 | +1
2 | +2
3 | +3
4 | +/- 4
5 | -3
6 | -2
7 | -1
8 | 0

Metals lose electrons
Non-metals gain electrons

Synthesis Reaction


Should Knows:Should Dos:

Element + Element -----> Compound
Metal + Non Metal -----> Ionic Compound

Diatomic Molecules:
Pure elements that aren't just their own symbol

Transition Metal has multiple charges so they
multiple products

Combustion Reaction:
Complete V. Incomplete

Single Displacement Reactions

1. Does element replace metal in compound?
2. If so, what ions are now paired?
3. Criss-Cross

1 cation (+ion) replaces another
1 anion (-ion) replaces another

Cation Reactions:
AX + B ---->BX +A