Canadian History Since WW1

Is Canada a country to be proud of?

Are Canadas gun laws superior to other countries?

Why does Canada have lower firearm related deaths than the U.S?

Are Imigration laws good?

Are Immigrants given the same privileges as citizens?

Are the laws designed in favour of immigrants?

How has Canada treated First Nations people in the past?

How are the living conditions of First Nations people in reserves?

Why is there still poverty in reserves? And what has the government done to prevent poverty?

In the past (2014) the Canadian military carried out airstrikes in Syria how does that make Canada look since were supposed to be a peaceful country?

How have Canadian UN peacekeepers helped people in countries of conflicts?

Is Canada mainly a diplomatic country?

When is it ok to use military force?

How and where did Canada participate in World war 1?

How many Canadian soldiers were involved in World War 1?

Did Canada play a major role in the victory of World War 1?

Were there any Canadians at the signing of Germanys surrender?

Canada joined Wolrd war 1 and 2 with the UK

What is my place in history?

What relationship did my ancestors have with Canada?

Can i make a difference for the future?

How can we learn from past historical events?

Can we use past events to avoid future disasters?

Is Canada better than it was before?

Are Canadas laws on refugees better than before?

How many people have come to Canada as refugees?

Can refugees get good, stable jobs?

Do refugees have the same privileges as citizens?

Is racism is less of problem than it was?

How do modern views on racism compare to that of 1914?

Where can we see the biggest changes in Canada since the start of world war 1?

What conditions were First Nations peoples subjected to in residential schools?

How has Canadas perspective in First Nations people changed since 1914?

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