
Residential school

Indigenous kids faced abuse ( sexual, mental and physical )

Caused anger and resentment

Ran away

Died while running away

Got caught

Got punished

They lost their identity

Didn't know who they were

Felt confused

They had their names changed

Couldn't cope with the freedom they had after they left.


Lateral violence

Intergenerational impact

Forgot their culture and language

Couldn't communicate with elders and their families.

Couldn't relearn their language and culture because they couldn't communicate with them.

Didn't follow the rules of their culture

Less and less people believed and knew there culture.

behaved irrepsonsibly


Child abuse

Loss of parenting skills

Self- destructive behavior

Stereotypes that Indigenous people face.


Family feuds

Elder abuse


Alcohol use

Gang involvement

Violence against woman


Family violence

Inhability to express love or emotion

Physical and sexual abuse

Domestic violence

Had no one to talk to about their feelings.

Felt like they didn't fit in when they went home.

Had their hair cut

Indigenous families and kids were seperated

Kids weren't allowed to show their feelings.

Indigenosu kids were isolated

Indian Act ( Treaty )

Historic trauma

Lost their land

Forced into reserves

Criminalized their ceremonies

Couldn't practise their ceremonies

Stopped their Indigenous government

Gave them no political voice

Gave them restrictions.

People who didn't obey were sent to jail.

Big Bear ( a leader ) and some others were hanged.

Took away their rights.

They weren't allowed to gather in groups.

Depleted their food source (bison, and buffalo)

The sustainability of the environment was broken.

Indigenous people had less and less food.

Many died

Threatened them with no food

Woman traded their bodies for food for their kids

Later on, ( present day ) people made something called 94 Calls To Action which are things we need to do to reconcile with the Indigenous people.

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