PPL3O Summative - Mind Map

PPL3O Summative


Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexually transmitted diseases


Being aware of your partners sexual health

One thing I learned that is very important is to make sure you have good communication with your partner and have built trust in each other, both of you shouldn't be embarrassed to get your sexual health tested.

Individuals aged 15-24 years account for half (9 million) of the (18 million) sexually transmitted infections each year. This is why it is important to teach sexual education at a younger age so they can be aware/more cautious in the future.

Substance Abuse

Mental state

Self Control

Health Issues

Substance abuse can lead you to a poor mental state and uncontrollable addiction, overtime this will lead to severe health issues resulting in short term/long term damage. We have to be vigilant when it comes to substances, if you are drinking make sure you do not over do it and always have somebody looking after you, stay away from people who do drugs so you don't get peer pressured.

In 2007, 47,000 Teen deaths were reported due to drug overdosing all of these deaths could have been prevented.

Personal Fitness

Workout Wednesdays

Daily fitness blasts

Improving our overall health and taking care of our bodies

Personal fitness is the best way to improve our health and lower our risk of contracting severe diseases, by just doing simple exercises we can improve the quality of our life.

Children now spend more than seven and a half hours a day in front of a screen (TV, videogames, computer) This means that they are getting little to no exercise each day casuing health problems in the future


Leadership Skills

Teamwork Skills


Playing games that require teamwork have improved my ability to work even better with others. (Basketball, floor hockey).

Sports help you gain many important aspects in life and help build your overall character, the things that we do in sports can be used in our everyday lives.

Recent studies have shown that when people participate more in sports they feel happier about themselves and have more energy.


Healthy meal plans

Foods we should avoid

How much of the certain food we should consume

Nutrition is one of the most if not the most important section when it comes to health, without nutrition we will not be able to function so it is very crucial that we make healthier eating habits and foods that will benefit us more than greasy junk.

More than 35% of the population in U.S is obese (both children and adults) 17% of the 35% affects children alone. This is clear evidence that we need to start making healthier choices when it comes to our diet.

Main topic


Mental Health & Stress

Controlling Stress

Issues linked to mental health (Depression, anxiety, trauma)

Fight or Flight

Signs and Symptoms

It is very important that we take care of our mental state because it's just as important as taking care of ourselves physically, we have to understand that there is good stress (Stress from exercising or from a beneficial task). Bad stress comes from problems in a relationship or family etc. We can relieve stress by doing physical exercises, meditating, being around friends/socializing and much more.

It is proven that many people deal with mental illnesses and stress by taking drugs/alcohol they think it's a way to cope with it and relieve them from it for a certain period of time, this is very dangerous and makes the problems much more worse.

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