why usa never joined the league?

the league was linked to the Treaty of Versailles

some Americans hate the Treaty itself

there were millions of Germans immigrants

too many Americans think they had to send troops to every little conflict around the world

they wanted USA to stay out of such disputes

they were worried about the economy cost of joining the league

Some Americans opposed the league because they were anti-French or anti-British

The aims of the league

to discourage aggressions from any nations

encourage countries to disarm

improve the living and working conditions of workers around the world

encourage countries to cooperate, especially in trade and business

How did the league make for a better world?


Made recomendatios on marking shpping lanes and produced and produced an internationalHighway Code for users


The health comitee worked hard to defeat the dreaded disease leprosy

Started a global campain to exterminat mosquitoes

To reduce malaria and yellow feber

Social Problems

league blacklisted four large German, Dutch, French and Swiss companies wich were involved in ilegal drug trade

It helped 200.000 slaves

It organisedraids againts slave owners and traders in Burna

They degree the percentage of death of african workers

Working conditions


They improved the working conditions

They stablished a maximing of 48 working hours a week and 8 hours per day

Minority of members adopted it

They thought it would raise industrials cost


The league did a tremendous work in getting refugees and war prisioners back to their homelands

In the first few years after de war aproxymately 400.000 prisioners and refugees were saved

The structure of the league

The secretariat

sort of civil service

kept record of the legue meetings and prepared reports for the different agencies of the league

has a specialist section covering areas

economic matters



The Assembly

Was the league parliament

every country on the league sent a representative to it

the assembly could recommend action to the council and could vote on

ideas put forward by the council

the budget of the league

appointing temporary members of the council

admitig new members of the league

they met once a year and taheir decisions were anonimous

The council

Smaller group wich met more often

Five times a year and in case of emergency

It included

Permanent members





Each of them had a VETO

This means that one permamnet member could stop the councilacting even if they all agree

Temporary members

these were elected by the assembly in periods of 3 years

The numbers of temporary members varied in 3 to 9

It could use a range of power

Moral condemnation

They could decide wich country was de aggressor, what country had to be blamed for a trouble

Economic and finaciaal sanctions

members could refuse to trade with aggressors

Did't had importance because they could trase with USA wich wasn't in the league

Military force

The army of a member nation could atack aggressors

The permanent courtof international justice

Key part of the league

made up from judeges of different members countries

the court could give decitions in borders disputes

gave legal advice to the assembly or council

The international labour organization

it got toghether employers, governments and workers representatives

it aimed to improve working conditions around the world

it collected stadistics and informtion about working conditions

It persuaded country liders to adopt its suggestions

The mandates commission

Made sure that France and Britain act in the interest of the people living in gained territories

This gained territory were mainly german colonies

The rufugges comittee

helped war prisioners and war refugges to return to their homeland

The slavery commission

they tried to abolish slavery around the world

The health committee

It aimed to deal with problems of dangerous diseases

Tried to educate people about



birth of the league

after the end of the First World War

everyone wanted this not to happen again

USA(president wilson)

wanted the league to be like a world parlament were representatives of all nations can talk or say their opinion about one problem

he won

major nations join the league

promised to protect each other if they were invaded

promised to accept any decision made by the league

they promised that if any member break the deal and go to war

they would stop trading with it or send troops to make it stop fighting

some members didn’t agree with his arrogant style

he acted as the only one who knows the solution

most European people were prepared to give a chance to the idea of Wilson


they thought that the league had to met only in case of emergency’s


proposed a league with a big army

the league borders disputes in the 1920s

The treaties at the Pris Peace conference had created some new states andchanged the borders of others

Because of this the league had to solva many borders disptes

Bulgaria, 1925

Greek troops had invaded Bulgaria and by an accident somo greek soldiers were killed

Bulgaria appealed for the help of the league

The league had decided that greek soldiers had to pull back and Greece had the pay

Greeks complained but finally obeyed

Aaland Island, 1921

Sweeden and Finland wanted the control of the league

They appealed for the league help

The league decided that teh islands had to go to Finlands because they were nearer to them

Sweeden accepted the league decisiion

Upper Silesia, 1921

Industrial region on the borders between Germany and Poland

It was inhabited for both

the people had to vote were they wanted to belong to

The industrial areas wanted to be for Germany

Rural areas wantes to be for Poland

Vilna, 1920

Poland and Lithuania were two new states created after the war treaties

Vilna wa made capital city of Lithuania but its population was mainly polish

A private polish arny took control of Vilna

Lithuania appealed for help

the league didn't do anything

because Poland was seen as a posible ally of Germany

Corfu, 1923

There was a dispute between the borders of Greece and Albania

The league send an italian general, Telline, tu supervise it

Tellini was found dead in the greek side

Italy demanded a pay compensation

The greeks, however, had no idea who were the murderes

Italy bombarded a greek islans, Corfu, and they kille 15 people

Greece appealed to the league but they didn't do anything against Italy and instead they made Greece pay for the murder

The iatalian lider, Mussolini, blamed the greek governament for the murder

Genova Protocol

Because of the Corfu incident it was demostrated how the league could be undetermined by its own member

This protocol said that if two members were in dispute thhey would have to ask the league to sort out the disagreement and they would have to accept the coucils decision

Britain disgree withthis protocol

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